Eating Disorder Support

Anyone on here trying to gain weight in recovery from anorexia? Any tips on not getting scared about the rate? Anyone using a meal plan instead of calorie counting...aka trusting a nutritionist? Weighing daily or weekly? Dealing with how you think people think of your new body?

I have struggled with literally every disorder and been everywhere from obese (age 14 was 5'6" and 210 lbs) to now underweight (5'7.5" and 87-88 lbs). I am trying to beat anorexia and the fear of gaining weight is what stands in my way. Would love helpful tips. I have been to treatment 10 times and my whole team (therapist, doctor, nutritionist) think the only way I will sustainably recover is to do this outpatient. Oh and I am almost 21 (b-day is Aug 25) and have had disorder since I was 6 years old.


  • AnsiStar
    AnsiStar Posts: 165 Member
    Not had a diagnosis but yes...

    The hardest thing I find (now I know I have a problem) is dealing with friends who still compliment my weightloss not realising how bad it has gotten.

    It sounds like you're getting a lot of help and support which I'm really glad to hear. The best advice I can give it just to take it one day at a time. Try and push yourself that teeny bit extra each day. Eg today I had some pie and custard and I nearly cried but I did it.
  • babystepsforward
    babystepsforward Posts: 52 Member
    I am the exact same, no official diagnosis but the smallest things like eating white bread/ using whole milk/ not measuring out rice, cereal etc... scares the **** out of me! my familly literally hate me for it and i am scared of gaining weight and so many foods it is ridiculous i hate it. I just keep trying to push myself a little at a time
  • Roughy92
    Roughy92 Posts: 12 Member
    First of all, congratulations, you've taken a massive step just by acknowledging your ED and deciding to fight back.
    I was diagnosed with anorexia and since last January have gained 2.5 stone.

    Absolutely the best thing you can do is surround yourself with people who understand and support your fight. Discussing your worries with family and understanding friends can be really helpful, but for me the best thing was to join a forum (not this one, but that doesn't matter) with people who could directly relate to what I was going through.

    On that note, please feel free to add me. What worked for me might not work for you, but I can do my best. :)
  • apothecarist
    You're severely underweight and need to EAT. Are u under a dr's supervision? I'm in the process of recovery from an ED and have only started to up the calories to 2500/day (minimum). I know it's very difficult for you, as it is for me, but this is what you need to do to get started on getting healthy. The "mental" part is definitely a huge component of EDs so please find a good therapist who can help you along this journey of getting well again.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Anyone on here trying to gain weight in recovery from anorexia? Any tips on not getting scared about the rate? Anyone using a meal plan instead of calorie counting...aka trusting a nutritionist? Weighing daily or weekly? Dealing with how you think people think of your new body?

    I have struggled with literally every disorder and been everywhere from obese (age 14 was 5'6" and 210 lbs) to now underweight (5'7.5" and 87-88 lbs). I am trying to beat anorexia and the fear of gaining weight is what stands in my way. Would love helpful tips. I have been to treatment 10 times and my whole team (therapist, doctor, nutritionist) think the only way I will sustainably recover is to do this outpatient. Oh and I am almost 21 (b-day is Aug 25) and have had disorder since I was 6 years old.

    So why not do outpatient?
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Congratulations on beginning the recovery process, you are quite brave :flowerforyou: Try to think positive thoughts while eating and remember that food (good/healthy food) will help with your quality of life and not take from it. Think of the nourishment the food brings to your body and your health and not of the calories. Food is good for you, food is life. You will do wonderfully! Take care :wink:
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    The best thing would be to surround yourself with people who understand and are doing the same thing as you, it is much easier to recover with other around who are also recovering - I'd also suggest eating as many of your safe foods as you can to get the intake up and add in 'unsafe' foods a bit at a time a new one each week or something like that so you're not rushing straight in - I'd also say sticking to a meal plan is a good option but it's different for everyone, often meal plans can be triggering if you can't stick to them for whatever reason so its working out what's best for you
    Recovery from ED's are hard be it needing to gain weight or lose weight to get back into the healthy range the key is having support around you and someone trained to talk to about it :smile:
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    You are brave and the good news is you are alive. I help patients with ED in my work. I am glad that you are reaching out. Being grateful every day for the good things in your life helps a lot. taking risks and trying new foods helps too. Giving yourself rewards for the baby steps you take in your recovery. You have your whole life ahead of you and you can heal and be healthy again.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    I understand completely. As I am in recovery as well. You are so strong that you are making these steps! Food can give you anxiety but you have to fight back knowing that food is fuel and that it's so good for your body. Recovery means your bodies time to learn to retrust you.

    I personally don't listen to my nutritionist because she is massively uneducated. But I know many who are excellent, so if you trust yours go for it.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    On your 21st birthday go out and drink; beer has a lot of empty calories that will get you fat, it's worth a try.

    Anorexia is not something to joke about.

    While it may not be something you or I have had the displeasure of dealing with- telling someone to fill up on empty calories is negative.

    Good luck OP.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    On your 21st birthday go out and drink; beer has a lot of empty calories that will get you fat, it's worth a try.

    Anorexia is not something to joke about.

    While it may not be something you or I have had the displeasure of dealing with- telling someone to fill up on empty calories is negative.

    Good luck OP.

    I second that. Best of luck to you OP. Finding the strenth to admit you have a problem, and approaching it head on is amazing. I wish you all the luck in the world!
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    You're severely underweight and need to EAT. Are u under a dr's supervision? I'm in the process of recovery from an ED and have only started to up the calories to 2500/day (minimum). I know it's very difficult for you, as it is for me, but this is what you need to do to get started on getting healthy. The "mental" part is definitely a huge component of EDs so please find a good therapist who can help you along this journey of getting well again.

    ^ I don't think you even read her post. Good luck OP.:flowerforyou:
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    On your 21st birthday go out and drink; beer has a lot of empty calories that will get you fat, it's worth a try.

    Anorexia is not something to joke about.

    While it may not be something you or I have had the displeasure of dealing with- telling someone to fill up on empty calories is negative.

    Good luck OP.

    Okay my bad..
    How about instead of thinking about getting fat, focus on the taste. Food is awesome!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Congratulations on beginning the recovery process, you are quite brave :flowerforyou: Try to think positive thoughts while eating and remember that food (good/healthy food) will help with your quality of life and not take from it. Think of the nourishment the food brings to your body and your health and not of the calories. Food is good for you, food is life. You will do wonderfully! Take care :wink:

    She is not just beginning, she has been on this site trying to recover since my first account 18 months ago.
  • Roughy92
    Roughy92 Posts: 12 Member
    On your 21st birthday go out and drink; beer has a lot of empty calories that will get you fat, it's worth a try.

    Anorexia is not something to joke about.

    While it may not be something you or I have had the displeasure of dealing with- telling someone to fill up on empty calories is negative.

    Good luck OP.

    Okay my bad..
    How about instead of thinking about getting fat, focus on the taste. Food is awesome!
    Good advice! Find foods that you really enjoy the taste of, and this'll make it so much less of a challenge. One thing that helped me was learning to cook properly. Then rather than thinking 'Oh no, I've got 1000 calories left', you can look forward to something delicious.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Thanks everyone...I suspected would have some insensitive contacts. Won't be drinking on my 21st seeing as alcoholism rages in my family, but thanks for the idea there...even though it wasn't that helpful.

    I will be doing this outpatient and I realize now how low I have gotten isn't okay. Doesn't make it any easier (for some reason I thought lower it got I would be able to gain weight easier...not a smart thought). I also started a blog and am just trying to be open. Nice to know there is so much support out there. Thanks for all the good luck wishes :)