How to get my bf to build muscle?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Moved to gaining weight as this thread is much better suited for this forum.

    BTW, get him to get an account and track calories to see where his TDEE is. I would set the account to maintain for about a month while he gets a routine down and then add calories. Without know his stats, type of work and exercise program, it's hard to say what he needs. I know I bulk at 3250 calories (slow bulk).

    I, too, would suggest a full body routine.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Step 1. Eat
    Step 2. Pick up heavy things
    Step 3. Sleep

    Repeat until desired results are achieved
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    FYI Boxers don't bulk...ever unless they are trying to move up a weight class. The more weight they carry the slower they can become and get classed to fight heavier fighters which can often be stronger if they are naturally large framed. If he wants to bulk, he will and he will do the work and research on his own. Also his body will build the muscle is needs when he boxes to perform at his level....increasing his bench max isn't going to help him.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Provided he himself wants to bulk...

    Don't over complicate it. He should probably focus on the main, simple strong lifts and go from there and figure out his macros for his new intake goal..and that's that.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    According to half the threads I read around here, an hour on the elliptical a day should have him bulked up in just a few weeks.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    FYI Boxers don't bulk...ever unless they are trying to move up a weight class. The more weight they carry the slower they can become and get classed to fight heavier fighters which can often be stronger if they are naturally large framed. If he wants to bulk, he will and he will do the work and research on his own. Also his body will build the muscle is needs when he boxes to perform at his level....increasing his bench max isn't going to help him.

    Exactly. You can build strength, stamina and speed without bulk. He'd be better (my opinion) on a progressive calisthenics program than lifting weights.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Why not simply trade him in for a new one who already has the LBM ratio you're looking for? :huh:

    Also, general advice to all women: If you like a guy, except you want to change a few things about him, you have two choices. The first choice is to focus on what you already like and accept the things you don't like. The second choice is to try to change him, and then become frustrated when he doesn't change to suit your preferences. If you enjoy frustration, as many people seem to do, then the second option is the clear choice.

    I do always enjoy your replies. I had missed you over at the weight loss board the last few day :happy:

    anyway, OP, if he want to do this, but he is not motivated enough to check it out himself, he is likely doing what partners of nagging SOs do all the time. They say 'yes dear' and then hope you'll find something else in the time it takes them to start thus negating the need to start.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    According to half the threads I read around here, an hour on the elliptical a day should have him bulked up in just a few weeks.

    forget an hour, 30 mins should mean he's ready to compete for Mr Universe
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Which boyfriend? :huh: :laugh:
    Haha. -.-

    To everyone else- He does want to do this, he's just not had the motivation TO do it up until now. It's a "new year, new you" think. Thanks for the tips. And I'm not trying to "change him." He asked for my help because he knows I work out a lot, but I have no clue how to bulk so I figured I'd ask you all. I like him for him.

    translation - OP talked boyfriend into bulking because he is too thin for her and she wants a man with more muscle...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    According to half the threads I read around here, an hour on the elliptical a day should have him bulked up in just a few weeks.

    thats only if he eats 1200 cals a day...
  • accendo
    accendo Posts: 66 Member
    What about a strength program like stronglifts 5x5 or something similar?
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Which boyfriend? :huh: :laugh:
    Haha. -.-

    To everyone else- He does want to do this, he's just not had the motivation TO do it up until now. It's a "new year, new you" think. Thanks for the tips. And I'm not trying to "change him." He asked for my help because he knows I work out a lot, but I have no clue how to bulk so I figured I'd ask you all. I like him for him.

    translation - OP talked boyfriend into bulking because he is too thin for her and she wants a man with more muscle...
    I didn't talk him into anything. But if it isn't helpful to him wanting to box, then I'll tell him.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I apologize in advance, but this post made me lol. Carry on.
  • emtbabe326
    Which boyfriend? :huh: :laugh:
    Haha. -.-

    translation - OP talked boyfriend into bulking because he is too thin for her and she wants a man with more muscle...

  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    FYI Boxers don't bulk...ever unless they are trying to move up a weight class. The more weight they carry the slower they can become and get classed to fight heavier fighters which can often be stronger if they are naturally large framed. If he wants to bulk, he will and he will do the work and research on his own. Also his body will build the muscle is needs when he boxes to perform at his level....increasing his bench max isn't going to help him.

    Boxers do bulk to improve strength.

    Just because your big doesn't mean your slow: example? Cam Newton, dude is 245 pounds and can move with the rest of them.

    You dont punch from your chest, from your feet, everything in the chain is involved in throwing a punch. You will find professional boxers all Squat, Deadlift and do some kind of press for strength work. And im not talking about grinding out reps, talking about proper form fast lifts that help train neural pathways and build muscle. Increasing his bench max WILL help him.

    You will find most people who play sports that require vast amounts of strength Rugby, NFL, MMA, Boxing all have a good strong foundation in compound movements.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Which boyfriend? :huh: :laugh:
    Haha. -.-

    To everyone else- He does want to do this, he's just not had the motivation TO do it up until now. It's a "new year, new you" think. Thanks for the tips. And I'm not trying to "change him." He asked for my help because he knows I work out a lot, but I have no clue how to bulk so I figured I'd ask you all. I like him for him.

    Remind him that it will help greatly with martial arts. I used to a lot of that when I was younger. I noticed the heavy lifting allowed me to stop some one from causing me to tap out sometimes (depends who on who I was up against though)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    How long have you been together? You don't know which martial arts he was "in"? Do you not talk about him?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    FYI Boxers don't bulk...ever unless they are trying to move up a weight class. The more weight they carry the slower they can become and get classed to fight heavier fighters which can often be stronger if they are naturally large framed. If he wants to bulk, he will and he will do the work and research on his own. Also his body will build the muscle is needs when he boxes to perform at his level....increasing his bench max isn't going to help him.

    Boxers do bulk to improve strength.

    Just because your big doesn't mean your slow: example? Cam Newton, dude is 245 pounds and can move with the rest of them.

    You dont punch from your chest, from your feet, everything in the chain is involved in throwing a punch. You will find professional boxers all Squat, Deadlift and do some kind of press for strength work. And im not talking about grinding out reps, talking about proper form fast lifts that help train neural pathways and build muscle. Increasing his bench max WILL help him.

    You will find most people who play sports that require vast amounts of strength Rugby, NFL, MMA, Boxing all have a good strong foundation in compound movements.

    This is correct, but they don't lift weights for the purpose of bulking. It's for strength gains, as you say. Couple this with some heavy cardio for conditioning, and that's what boxers do to train. This is an extreme example, but Manny Pacquiao runs 10 miles a day and jumps rope for an hour.

    I love boxing because I've found (for me) that it's the best all-around cardio workout.

    Edited for grammar.
  • aidanoconnor45
    I don't know if this is of any help but I structure my meals the same when cutting/bulking however I change the supplements I take to suit cutting/bulking for example:

    Wake-up - 3 x Lipo X Black, 1 x T-100
    Breakfast - 50G Porridge
    Mid-Morn - Diet whey/Weight Gainer shake + Banana
    Lunch - Tuna Nicoise Salad + Carrot sticks & reduced fat houmous + Large navel orange
    30 Mins before Mid-Afternoon - 3 x Lipo X Black, 1 x T-100
    Mid-Afternoon - Diet whey/Weight Gainer shake + Apple
    Post-Gym - Weight gainer shake
    Dinner - 125g lean white meat/fish + 200g mixed vegetables + 50g of cous cous
    Dessert - Total 0% 170g + 62.5g blueberries
    30 mins before bed - Casein Protein Shake

    Not sure how well this would work for another individual as I have a very slow metabolism, but i feel the same structure should stand whether cutting or bulking but just changing in and out supplements to suit goals

    When cutting I consume 1800 - 1900kcal with a balance of 40% protein 40% carb and 20% fat

    Hope this helps.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    That routine you posted stinks for anyone but an experienced bodybuilder who is probably using some form of questionable supplementation. Have him stick with basic compound movements and work them hard.

    My line of thought has always been, if you have enough gas left in the tank after squats to do front squats, leg curls, leg extensions and everything else, you didn't squat hard enough. 3 days a week is plenty- rest is just as important as the lifting. Work hard, keep the workouts to an hour or less, and go home and eat.