Question about hunger

I've lost some weight and doing good with my diet and work outs. On the weekend I plan and make my meals for the following week. So I normally eat the same things for a few days in a row which is fine by me and seems to be working. I normally eat at the same times everyday as well as work out. But some days I'm super hungry and some days I'm feel like not eating. But like I said no matter which I stay on the same schedule. The hungry days don't bother me I'm used to it now. I was just wondering if it's a metabolism thing or something that can be explained by science or something like that. Or if it just one of those things and is what it is.


  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Oops I just realized I posted this in the gaining weight catagory.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Impossible to say exactly what's going on. Could be related to your nutrition. Likely psychological too. Far too many variables... and even if they were all static... the phenomenon of hunger is so dang complex as it is that it'd be nearly impossible to pin down.

    I'll say this though. If you you work out some sort of pattern to it, you can then tailor your meal frequency / nutrition distribution across the day/week to better fit YOU.

    I'd suggest starting with some journaling. Start paying attention to your environment and see if you can pinpoint some possible things. Take not of your stress levels, your locations when you're hungry, your grams of nutrients, how much sleep you had the night before, etc. Pretty much anything could have an impact.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    I have hungry days after big weights sessions, assume that's my muscles repairing and getting awesome.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    Thanks those are good ideas. I'll pay attention to those things. I'm not really concerned just enjoying listening to my body and learning myself.