Calling all vegetarians!

I need to follow some vegetarian friends to see where I've gone wrong..I started off my weigh loss journey being a meat eater..then I tried out pescatarinism, and that went well also..then I went to vegetarian. I'm struggling and need to see what other vegetarians (trying to lose weight) eat in a day. I feel like crap lately. I'm so tired all the time, trouble sleeping, my nails are brittle and breaking off and my hair is falling out. I don't think I'm getting enough protein. I also feel like I'm doing more snacking during the day than anything, and can't get it under control. I don't want to give up on being vegetarian, but I haven't lost any weight since switching over and I know that's not normal. I've got to be doing something terribly wrong. Help!


  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't know how to add or make public my page, I don't know if this is good advice but I'm mostly vegetarian , I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but I eat almonds 25 pieces a day, tofu at dinner, and protein shakes by Garden of life... I also eat lots of beans and avacados... Are you getting enough protein and healthy fats?
  • dakotamyers2010
    dakotamyers2010 Posts: 23 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit usually and I need to do snacking on more vegetables during the day. I've picked up a bad habit of snacking on sweets too much, I don't eat nuts everyday because of the high calories, but do on occasion. I know I'm definitely not getting enough protein. I just started back doing protein shakes, I snack on chickpeas a lot and regularly eat quinoa, black bean burgers, lentils, brown rice, and "vegetarian" meat products like from quorn, gardein, Morningstar etc.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Unless you're going full throttle vegan, you can count dairy and eggs in as a good source of protein and calcium. Cheese as well. Lots of people recommend cheese for protein.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yes to above comment!
    If you can add eggs, cottage cheese and yogurt, they're all great sources of protein!
    Low fat string cheese, hard boiled eggs and yogurt are good protein.
    Yum to morning star, they have great "chik-patty's"
    I recommend protein cuz it keeps you fuller for longer and feeling more satisfied.
    Also pnut butter!
    Pnut butter on apples are a great snack.
    Or laughing cow cheese, yum.
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    You need to see your doctor and have your blood iron levels tested. Are you taking a b12 supplement?
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Vegetarian diet can lack some nutrients. Do you take a daily multivitamin?
  • aroycepung
    aroycepung Posts: 10 Member
    You need to see your doctor and have your blood iron levels tested. Are you taking a b12 supplement?

    THIS. I was anemic (iron deficient) and b12 deficient for too long. You absolutely need a b12 supplement in my opinion and you might need an iron supplement if you aren't getting enough iron in your normal diet. Seeing your doctor just to check is a good start.
  • dakotamyers2010
    dakotamyers2010 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks. I guess I just kinda fell of the wagon and got off course because I used to eat a lot of the things listed regularly. I have been trying to reduce my dairy intake because of my cholesterol. I do love greek yogurt and egg whites though. I snack on apples a lot and used to dip them in Greek yogurt with a little peanut butter. Thinking about it now I just need to get back in a routine. I've been eating randomly and not paying enough attention to my macros/nutrition. I just feel like even on days I try really hard, my protein is still lacking. I'm literally to the point some days I feel like I could just drop dead from exhaustion. On a REALLY good day I manage to get I guess around 50-60 Grams protein and I should be getting 88-120.
  • dakotamyers2010
    dakotamyers2010 Posts: 23 Member
    I do not take any supplements, but do have a history of anemia. I guess I'll be making a visit to my doctor to get these things checked if things don't improve. I did do a yearly work up very recently and was shocked to find out that my cholesterol and triglycerides were really bad, considering I've reduced most dairy. I would think they would be improved since being on a vegetarian diet.
  • ChicagoVeggie
    ChicagoVeggie Posts: 18 Member
    edited February 2016
  • Squirrel698
    Squirrel698 Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm a vegetarian! My diary is open, take a look. I also recommend eggs, and I have some cheese on occasion. I don't know if you are trying to go low fat or not. I'm telling you; that's not necessary as long as you keep your calories down. I sometimes eat up to 40% fat with no repercussions, save for feeling fuller, longer.

    As for protein, I try to get at least 60 grams a day. I don't think it's necessary to go above that. I do have to supplement with protein shots and plant based protein shakes to get all I need. That's only because I'm on a low calorie diet.
  • serenitywsu
    serenitywsu Posts: 22 Member
    I eat eggs sooo muchh. But honestly my average protein intake is about 40-60 grams. Alot from carbs tbh. But I dont experience any exhaustion or brittle nails and i think its because twice a week I do usually have a high protein diet(about 70-90 grams). I don't know if your body 'stores' unused protein so Im not exhausted when I have low protein, or if the multivitim i take is enough. Honestly I would suggest going back to pescitarianism until you get a hold on eating in a normal pattern (not too much sugary snack or not enough hearty meals). I've been a vegetarian (who occasional eats fish, but no milk) for about 4 years and I haven't had any real energy issues unless Ive had a couple days of just sugar binge eating.
  • dakotamyers2010
    dakotamyers2010 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the advice y'all. I do think I might add in fish/seafood again and see if it changes the way I feel so I know for sure its a protein thing. If not, I'll be headed to the doctor to get work-up done to see if they can figure it out.
  • tottie_07
    tottie_07 Posts: 105 Member
    I was a vegetarian 27 out of 42 years. Never thought about what to eat I guess cause I ate tons of "everything" or at least that is what I thought being raised that way. Never limited things like nuts, avocados, and eggs. Now they say that a diet high in healthy fats are very beneficial and even necessary to absorb nutrition like say in a salad. Not only that, but healthy fats are necessary to feel full longer. I ate everything from:

    -Homemade squash or spinach casseroles (with egg)
    -Zucchini pasta (they have neat little kitchen gadgets to peel the zucchini to mimic pasta)
    -Eggplant parm
    -Stuffed peppers
    -Mashed Rutabega or Turnip
    -Stuffed Portabellas
    -Grilled shish kabobs w/onion, tomato, pepper, and mushrooms
    -Spicy guacamole
    -Beans and more beans of many types
    -Deviled eggs
    -Homemade egg salad or potato/egg salad
    -Sweet potato casserole done sweet or savory
    -Cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit on top
    -Homemade peanut butter with agave nectar (takes only a few minutes in the processor to make a yummy batch for apples, bananas, celery, crackers...)
    -For something a little more sweet, I would blend up a mix of frozen and fresh fruit, and add agave nector (which is very neutral in flavor, but very sweet). My favorite is blending a few frozen bananas, some ice and water, a lot of oatmeal, wheat germ, agave nector, and cinnamon... then top with lots of unsalted peanuts. Very filling!

    I think the biggest thing is to keep mixing things up to keep a variety and balance. I love spinach, but don't eat it everyday. I alternate Broccoli Raab, mustard greens, kale, bok choy, and collards ect. And, I make sure to eat plenty of raw veggies as opposed to having mostly cooked. Cooking them is fine, but does destroy some of the vital enzymes and vitamin content. To keep from getting bored, I like exploring cultures to see what different things are out there from roots to gourds. And google recipes that incl them. Also check out different spices like for Indian food! As for wheat, corn, rice and things like that, it was only a small portion to accompany a meal. Never a plate of (or I would blow up fast). Otherwise, I did not have weight issues and was super strong.

    Why am I not a vegetarian now? Marriage. lol I gained 20 lbs immediately after introducing meat to my diet. I still prefer mostly a vegetarian diet and don't feel weak if I don't have meat.
  • tottie_07
    tottie_07 Posts: 105 Member
    You need to see your doctor and have your blood iron levels tested. Are you taking a b12 supplement?

    Good suggestion.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    Have been vegetarian for 22+ years. Had a high triglycerides and high total cholesterol reading a few years ago. Doctor told me to cut out refined carbohydrates.

    Went all whole grains. Which meant baking most things myself. Whole grain pasta, only brown rice, whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour, etc. (It takes a bit of getting used to the texture but it is possible to make the switch. I haven't looked back.) Greatly reduced sugar intake also.

    In 2-3 months, my triglycerides dropped to very healthy levels, my HDL (the good kind) was above 60, and my LDL dropped considerably. Did not give up butter, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. Levels have stayed consistently good over the intervening years.

    Have never had a nutritional deficiency and have not paid the least bit of attention to macros (do take a multivitamin and vegan omega 3 DHA/EPA pill). But, medical conditions and genetics may affect things like anemia so my experience there may not be the same as yours. Avoid caffeine and drink orange juice (or take vitamin C) around the time you are taking iron for maximum uptake. Sadly, heme (read: animal sourced) iron is absorbed most easily, but is totally possible to get enough iron without eating meat.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    You definitely need to be taking a multi, iron and b complex as well as b12 I had a vitamin deficiency and he had me do a prenatal, zinc, folic acid, iron, b12, 6,9. I felt so much better pretty soon. Nails is zinc and possibly d3 deficit. Hair is likely iron and protein and fat. Weakness is protein fat and b12.

    You don't have to go back to pescatarian just plan out your meals to meet your needs. Take a protein powder if necessary. There is plenty of protein from beans legumes, oats, veggies soy and grains. You may not be eating enough? You can look at my diary tho I eat vegan.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    I've been ovo-lacto vegetarian for 41 years. My high cholesterol/triglycerides dropped sharply and are now solidly in the normal range after weight loss, and I eat a boatload of (mostly non-fat) dairy (but I don't think I have a major genetic predisposition; perhaps you do). Details on the cholesterol are on my profile page.

    My diary is open to friends, and you can friend me if you like. But I'm in a different spot than you: I'm trying to find my maintenance calorie level now, eating about 1700 calories net, trying to get 100g of protein most days. I don't eat bars, protein powder, special shakes, or fake meat products, but I do cook from scratch.

    Some foods to consider: Eggs; Greek (or Icelandic) yogurt (ideally plain, with your own additions, since the added sugar in flavored ones can be startling); Soy foods (tempeh, edamame, dry-roasted soybeans are the ones I eat the most); beans of all types; 'ancient grains' like quinoa, spelt, etc. ; veggies that have relatively more protein (broccoli, spinach, others); lower-fat cheeses like cottage cheese, farmer cheese, ricotta; reasonable portions of nuts or seeds (you need some healthy fats); snacks with protein like crispy chickpeas or crispy snap peas or Indian puppodums.

    For me, inappropriate cravings increase if I don't get enough protein, especially at breakfast. However, this may not be the same for you, as cravings/satiation seem to be rather individual.
  • MarMarnie
    MarMarnie Posts: 4 Member
    I am vegan!!!!! Feel free to add me
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    There are a lot of good suggestions here. I would also ask are you eating enough? What is your daily calorie goal? You could be overdoing your deficit.