
Hey guys.
Getting back into building muscle now, but I still have a relatively higher BF percentage. 22% at my last dexa scan, but I also have a substantial amount of muscle mass. I want to know the best Macro split that works for most females. I train 6 days per week, and three of those days I train Twice per day. I do F45 HIIT cardio based classes in the morning, and my weight training in the evening. I train all body parts twice per week. I'm currently on 2000 cals per day because I'm trying to work out what works for me, but I'm not sure if higher fat or higher carbs would be the best split for gaining lean muscle without increasing body fat too much! I hear a lot that having Hugher fats and lower carbs will teach your body to burn fat as fuel, rather than burning the carbs you're feeding it so it's more effective at reducing fat gain. I don't know if high carbs works for me from my last bulk (2 years ago before I fell pregnant with my second daughter) because even then I had at least 19-20% body fat with a high carb intake. What's everybody's thoughts?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I follow to hit my minimum macros, then fill in the rest of my day:
    Protein: 0.6-0.8 g per lb bodyweight
    Fat: 0.3-0.45g per lb
    Rest carbs

    You may have to play around with your macros to see what works best for you in terms of what is filling or not (depending on how much you are eating, if you always feel full and aren't hitting your cal goals, you may need to play around and increase carbs so you aren't as full for example), also your gym performance, some people like to carb cycle and all that but this is personal preference.

    What will increase your bodyfat has nothing to do with your macro split but your surplus. As a woman, I recommend a surplus of around 250 per day (which should work out to 0.5lb gain per week) or less which is typically a good sweet spot for muscle to fat gain ratios.
  • giovanna8830
    giovanna8830 Posts: 80 Member
    50% carbs/30%protein/20%fat... = Bf 11,29
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,397 MFP Moderator
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I follow to hit my minimum macros, then fill in the rest of my day:
    Protein: 0.6-0.8 g per lb bodyweight
    Fat: 0.3-0.45g per lb
    Rest carbs

    You may have to play around with your macros to see what works best for you in terms of what is filling or not (depending on how much you are eating, if you always feel full and aren't hitting your cal goals, you may need to play around and increase carbs so you aren't as full for example), also your gym performance, some people like to carb cycle and all that but this is personal preference.

    What will increase your bodyfat has nothing to do with your macro split but your surplus. As a woman, I recommend a surplus of around 250 per day (which should work out to 0.5lb gain per week) or less which is typically a good sweet spot for muscle to fat gain ratios.

    This is spot on. Macros should be looked at in terms of grams, not generic percentages. If you are trying to maximize every little bit, you can consider a few things but we need to understand the priorities first.


    Now since that is established, I would consider a few other things that are majoring in the minors. I would generally spread out protein (~30g at time) to maximize MPS. I generally do time some nutrients around my workout. And if you do supplementation, the most beneficial ones are creatine, caffeine and whey. Being consistent is key for bulking. You don't want to have huge swings in calories if you want to minimize fat gains.

    Overall, a good training program will be key. What are you currently following? Also, are you gaining weight on 2K calories? For as much as you are exercising (which might be a bit much), that doesnt seem like a lot of calories.
  • sarahroncone
    sarahroncone Posts: 18 Member
    I haven't weighed myself in two weeks, so I will weigh myself this afternoon to find out. I need accurate scales, my home ones are off. I currently train F45 Monday morning for 45 minutes cardio based class, and Monday evening I do heavy legs. Tuesday I do back and chest, Wednesday morning F45 and Wednesday evening arms and shoulders, Thursday is heavy legs again, Friday morning is F45 and evening is back and chest again, and Saturday is arms and shoulders again.
  • sarahroncone
    sarahroncone Posts: 18 Member
    Also, am I meant to re consume the cals I'm burning? Say I eat 2000 for The day, but I burn almost 1000 cals from training twice in that one day. It's been such a long time since I've bothered with macros etc I've forgotten majority of it all haha
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,397 MFP Moderator
    Well if you were actually burning 1000 calories and eating 2000 calories, you would be losing about 2 lbs a week and the likelihood of maintaining your muscle, let alone building muscle, would be impaired.

    If your goal is to stay lean as possible, you will want to cut another 4% body fat before you bulk. Being sub 20% for women, will definitely improve calorie partitioning and keep your body prime to build muscle. Once you start getting closer/above 25% insulin sensitivity will decrease, leading to your bodies ability to store more nutrients as fat instead of creating muscle. During a bulk a few things are critical to building muscle; 1. rest, 2. calories, 3. training volume, and 4. adequate nutrients. So you will need to find a balance between the F45 workouts (which look rather intense), a good progressive overload lifting program, enough calories that allow you to be in a consistent surplus, and adequate rest and recovery.
  • sarahroncone
    sarahroncone Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you so much! Yes, on the days I train twice it is roughly 700-1000 cals depending, and the days I just train weights it's around 400 cals. I use my heart rate monitor to track every workout etc. I'm probably going to cut a little more before I bulk. I'm thinking as my BF was a little higher this time (considering I'm only just getting back to my normal state after my last baby) it would be wise to lose a little more before I focus on putting on mass. I weight last night and I'm still at the same weight, so if anything, the past 15 days had showed to be maintenance. I have had s few slip ups here or there in cheat days, so I'm not sure if those extra calories have been contributing to me maintaining my current weight, but I haven't lost or gained on 2000 cals so far... That's not to say that I haven't lost body fat and replaced it with muscle mass... Because visually I look a lot leaner and I can see my abs more.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,397 MFP Moderator
    Thank you so much! Yes, on the days I train twice it is roughly 700-1000 cals depending, and the days I just train weights it's around 400 cals. I use my heart rate monitor to track every workout etc. I'm probably going to cut a little more before I bulk. I'm thinking as my BF was a little higher this time (considering I'm only just getting back to my normal state after my last baby) it would be wise to lose a little more before I focus on putting on mass. I weight last night and I'm still at the same weight, so if anything, the past 15 days had showed to be maintenance. I have had s few slip ups here or there in cheat days, so I'm not sure if those extra calories have been contributing to me maintaining my current weight, but I haven't lost or gained on 2000 cals so far... That's not to say that I haven't lost body fat and replaced it with muscle mass... Because visually I look a lot leaner and I can see my abs more.

    You could be recomping which is why you see greater definition. Those cheat days can definitely increase your average, especially if you don't have an accurate calorie count on them. And I would never recommend weighing yourself at night. There are too many factors that can cause huge swings. You should weigh in the AM, naked, after you take care of business.
  • sarahroncone
    sarahroncone Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah, I know I should have. I used my parents scales and I didn't get there until around dinner time. I will have to do it tomorrow morning again. I only usually have one cheat meal per week, I don't have a whole day. I feel too guilty if I do. But sometimes, I can eat around 100-200 cals more, just because I am literally ravenous