Girls how should I start building?

I've been trying to learn about how I should do it but everyone has different opinions! How did you build muscle?
How much you eat and of which macros percentage
Do you do high sets low reps or something different? Help


  • MrCarline
    MrCarline Posts: 3 Member
    Simple questions but such complicated answers. The whole process of muscle building is to effectively tear your muscle fibres to force the body to repair them. How you do this is dependant on what you can commit to.
    You need a specific training plan to understand where you are now to where you want to be, what foods and proteins you need etc.. is a good place for research but i would advise finding a recomended PT to start you off for maybe 12 weeks. Then learn all you can from this.
    Hope this helps. Remember you are unique so your training and diet should be too :)
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I have always trained and ate essentially the same as most of the men I know.
    Find a progressive lifting program - Strong Curves is a popular one among women because there is a large emphasis on the booty. Stick with it. Hypertrophy rep range is usually 10-15 reps with a weight that is challenging for you, if you pick an established program (which I would strongly recommend) it will tell you what set and rep scheme to use.
    Eating in a slight surplus is best for muscle gains, but you will also gain some fat. Alternatively you could eat at maintenance ("recomp"), muscle gains will be slower but you won't gain fat/body weight.
    Macros - I like to have my protein at 1g per pound of lean body mass. (Personally I just track calories and protein, carbs and fats usually fall in line just fine.)