
Cut my calorie intake in half carbs under 80 still not losing,any advice?


  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I think you need to provide more details. Are you weighing and logging every single thing you eat? How long have you been doing this without losing? How much water are you drinking? Are you exercising? Eating back your exercise calories? (Not necessary to exercise to lose weight, but I find it helps move things along faster.)

    From what I have read on MFP, most people just really underestimate how many calories they're eating. Myself included. If you are measuring in cups and spoons and not weighing your food you can consistently consume a lot more calories than you think (hundreds a day, even).

    Whenever I hit a plateau I have to really tighten up my logging and pay closer attention to the intake.

    If you are truly eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. B)
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    You have not provided enough information for anyone to even give you a wild a**ed guess. But as the above poster said, if you are eating at a deficit you should be losing weight.