Define "ocassional treat" please.

rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member

What's everyone's take on a occasional indulgence? Do you say 1x per week? 2x per month? And what makes this an indulgence?

Is sugar something you have daily so long as you're within caloric allowances?

I can manage quite a bit of sugar every day from various fruits and treats, but also fit in my veggies and proteins and Whole Foods. Still, a fair bit of sugar is in there and I just wondered what you all do for your approach.

This is really just to see how different folks approach meeting calorie needs and how they treat the concept of treats.

Thanks in advance for sharing.


  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    But as for "occasional treat" ...

    That would be something like the chocolate lava cake I made for my birthday. So incredibly rich and delicious. Probably the richest thing I've ever had in my life. Possibly the most delicious as well. I mean, WOW, it was good. But definitely not something I'd want every day ... or every week ... or even every month. Something like that is meant to be enjoyed occasionally.

    Lol... you *really* enjoyed that cake! ;)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    For me it's a single piece of Brach's Milk Chocolate Peanut Clusters, which runs about 60 calories. I have the bag hidden in my bedroom upstairs. It has to be real special for me to go up there and get it, then bring it back down and weigh it and log it. So, yeah, very occasional.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I eat what I like when I like. But that happens to be loads of whole foods, minimally processed, most of the time. Sundays are my high/refeed days when I have carbs to spend more frivolously.... So I do,or I'd burst from overconsumption of vegetables.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Lately, I've been having one package of two Justin's Organic Peanut Butter Cups nearly every day. Much better chocolate (and peanut butter) than Reeses, and well worth the 200 calories. Especially when I run and have an extra 800+ to eat.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It highly depends. My occasional foods are usually foods that I don't have often, by definition. Some because I just don't think to have them often, others are too high in calories to fit often. How "occasional" works for me varies: it could be something I only have seasonally like condensed milk cookies, something I have every few months like movie popcorn, something I have maybe once every week or two like potato chips and chocolate, or something I go on having every day for a while then falls out of favor for a few weeks/months like cookies or soda then back to daily consumption for a while, and then there are foods that I actively try not to expose myself to in an uncontrolled manner like nuts.

    I don't have a set schedule for treats, they just happen when they happen, when I deem them to be worth the calories more than an extra sandwich, for example. As a rule of thumb, I try to eat my base calories in nutrient rich foods, then spend my exercise calories on whatever I feel like having, be it a snack or a bigger portion of a meal I like. Indulgences are the same. They happen at random intervals and are mostly in a social setting, but I do occasionally feel like taking a maintenance day just because. Basically my food intake follows my whims.

    I don't track sugar, but I'm sure I get plenty of it every day from fruits and vegetables regardless.
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    Awesome feedback! I feel great about fitting Halo top into my daily intake now.
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    You guys are great. Thanks for all this feedback. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,047 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    But as for "occasional treat" ...

    That would be something like the chocolate lava cake I made for my birthday. So incredibly rich and delicious. Probably the richest thing I've ever had in my life. Possibly the most delicious as well. I mean, WOW, it was good. But definitely not something I'd want every day ... or every week ... or even every month. Something like that is meant to be enjoyed occasionally.

    Lol... you *really* enjoyed that cake! ;)

    I certainly did. :mrgreen:

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but i have dessert every single night, usually between 250-400 calories.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    An occasional treat is something I would not have on a regular basis before, during, or after weight loss.

    It is a food that is too expensive, ie: lobster, or too rich, ie: @Machka9's decadent desert, or too seasonal, ie: asparagus to make it part of my daily weekly or sometimes monthly diet.

    Everything else is just food to be eaten as fancy takes me.
    Cheers, h.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    This is interesting, and both easy and difficult to answer.

    I have a set of simple, flexible, non-restrictive "eating rules":
    Eat real food.
    Eat regular meals, and only at meals.
    Eat when hungry.
    And one rule to rule them all: Make exceptions when needed, but not so often that the exceptions start to become rules.

    This means that I have a structure to stick to but I also use judgement. This means that I can't go wrong. It means that I'm in charge of my own eating. It means that I can control my weight. I'm in maintenance and I'm not counting calories anymore - but I did that as I was losing. I'm still kinda strict, but I had to be more strict while losing weight.

    I eat food I like every day, for every meal, and I eat anything I want, I just need to make room for it. There is no real clear-cut division between everyday food and indulgences - if I want a treat on a Tuesday, I'll have it, if I feel I have room for it. I may look back and see how long ago I had one, and than say "OK" or "not now". I eat sugar for every meal, it's unavoidable and not a problem.
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    For me an occasional treat is something I have maybe twice a month. Cocktails with a friend; dinner AND dessert eating out. It's the sort of thing that just isn't worth having any more frequently, and I'll "save up" calories a few days beforehand to allow myself to indulge.

    But I have things that others might consider treats more regularly. I have a flavoured latte up to 4 times a week, chocolates or ice cream probably the same frequency. I just don't have them if they'll take me over my daily calories or if they'll replace a nutritious meal. If after 2-3meals are logged I have the calories left, I'll have a couple of luxury chocs, or a mini tub (or half a big tub!) of Ben and Jerrys.

    I plan to eat the same way in maintenance - eat slightly below maintenance most of the time so that a couple of times a month (or I might up it to once a week) I can have a treat with friends or family.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    if i have reached most of my macro goals and i still have calories left, i'll have a treat. It can happen every day for a week, or it can only be once a week.Sometimes it will be weeks without any treats.It all depends on how my protein, fat and carb goals look.Sometimes i'll have the occassional "birthday of a colleague" treat.This one is quite annoying because it had not been anticipated and i have to change my whole plan.But in the end it works out.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    A treat is something that you really enjoy eating, but have to make it work to fit it into your calories. Maybe you decide that it's worth it to go over your calorie goal--rarely. It has to be worth it to you. That's an individual call.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I fit in something everyday like cookies, ice cream or some M&M's. Not a lot of it, but some. Then about once a week or so I will get a big dessert or something like donuts or a piece of cake. My son has been home from the Middle East for three weeks where his diet has been not so good food, our family has basically feasted for three weeks. I have probably gained five pounds and I could not care less. He leaves today to go back and I won't see him for a year. Back on the horse tomorrow and it will melt back off at about half a pound per week.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    rouhnaz wrote: »
    Awesome feedback! I feel great about fitting Halo top into my daily intake now.
    At around 80 calories per serving, I fit it in almost everyday too!