2017 Annual Challenge & Support Weight Riddance Group

DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
edited March 2017 in Challenges
Please only request to join, if you'll be able to dedicate yourself; to posting: Your current weekly weight, every week for the remainder of; this year's duration!

This group began: 01/01/2017 & currently consists of, 28 members whom've been; with me since our launch! I'll be accepting, 72 more participants; Monday 03/27/2017 12:05 A.M. ~ Saturday 04/01/2017, 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time but you're able to, request to; join now! The group isn't just, a challenge we've threads that; offer support & we, compliment each; other's accomplishments!

We also've a proven track record of success:
To date we've rid ourselves of 422.3 Pounds & 1 of our members ceased having pain in their lower extremities!

So if you struggle as I've/do, to cope with the task by yourselves; then this' a perfect challenge/support group for, you! Join us & be apart of, a group that; gets results!

Since this' an annual group, my desire's for it to be; regularly rewarding! Therefore we've a, challenge & I've created, a chart via: Google Sheets & post/update the link weekly, to document our weight riddance progress!

You'll be beginning, 04/02/2017; by posting your:
Starting Weights!

I am limiting, our group's membership; to a maximum of:
100 participants (including myself), to keep; it maintainable & with whom I'd like to, participate consistently within the; "Discussion" threads as well! I'm seeking those, whom won't quit; when the going gets tough but instead'll strengthen their resolve, to achieve; their own/team's goals!

Group participation's only, a requirement for:
Posting your, weight weekly! Those that don't post their current weight, for 2 consecutive weeks'll result in your removal; from this group!

However if you know that you'll be unable to post, for a maximum of 2 consecutive weeks & inform me, via a private message; I'll keep you in the group but post your previous week's weight, as your current weight; until you return! These weight postings, aren't changeable because to do so'd conflict, with the accuracy of; our challenge's current scores!

Thank you, immensely for; your joining!

Here're screenshots of, the group & chart:

(I've hidden, member names to; respect their privacy!)







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