Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,515 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yesterday R 4/6/17
    1) Have pre-logged food for today...stick to plan! Added 10 M&Ms, calories in the red 186 b/c I didn't go walking. :s
    2) Due to gale warnings and temps in 40s today, skipping lunchtime spring hike at workplace...walk in evening after choir. Got home 7:40 and sat on couch, fully planning on changing clothes and taking dog for short walk at 8p.m. Then Kitty jumped on my lap, purring like crazy, and curled up in my arms for a nice little nap. Walking not so much. Mid-evening walks / exercise not for me, need to make some new plans. :#
    3) Test survey and cert emails and links for next week's seminar - After much head scratching and slowly remembering how to locate / update templates and event details, then multiple test emails, done! With months between events, I apparently forget everything I know about this app. Hopefully, for next month's event, I'll be on top of this. :wink:
    4) Floss - Yes Day 3 :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 no TV - in bed 10:05, read a little, and lights out 10:23 :smile:

    Just for today F 4/7/17
    1) Weather much improved and sun is out, participate in workplace plant identification hike at lunchtime.
    2) Food pre-logged for everything but dinner...plan to be w/i calorie goal today!
    3) Walk dog after work / errands
    4) Floss

    No bedtime goal b/c it's Friday, and I get to sleep in tomorrow! :smiley:

    Have a great day, everyone! B)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Log every single bite. :)
    2. Stay under 75g carbs :( Over by 28g so I guess I could be worse.
    3. Stay under 29g sugar :( Over by 15g, so this definitely could have been worse too. Still...it's a great big NOPE.
    4. Finish Day 1 tasks of project spreadsheet before I stop working today :( Nope. Still at it today.
    5. Ear buds on at work and focus! Steer clear of drama. Stress is not good for anyone! :) This helps so much! Gotta love Pandora!
    6. Positive attitude. (Example: Be grateful to have a job, not crabby because I have to work!) :) Had a great day!
    7. Get at least 5000+ steps today :( Nope. Hit the couch last night and didn't move.
    8. Take 15 minutes today of quiet time, perhaps meditation app? :) I sat and read a magazine. was nice.
    9. Unplug one hour before bed, read & journal :) Yup.
    10. Get up one hour earlier so I can get done earlier tomorrow and start the weekend early! (Maybe even work from home tomorrow!) :s Nope. I am working from home today, so ended up sleeping later than I should have.

    So many good goals on here that I want to steal! LOL! Lots of motivation. I love that.

    Just for Friday
    1. Log every bite
    2. Eat 1 lb of veggies today
    3. Carbs <75g
    4. Sugar <29g
    5. Finish Day 1 tasks for project of MST rebuild
    6. Get a walk in today. It's a beautiful day in Wisconsin! Skies are a beautiful blue.
    7. Keep a positive grateful attitude, both at work and at home.
    8. At least one random act of kindness.
    9. Work on Simple Abundance assignments and journal.

    None of these seem like hard things to do, so why the heck do I fail all the time! If I don't get it together by Monday, I am going to change my approach on Monday and make fewer more specific goals with actual plans to achieve them. I think I've gotten complacent with not meeting them.

    Have a GREAT Friday everyone! It's my favorite day of the week! :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track all food :)
    2. under 75 G carbs was at 60G...then I ate a protein bar late at night for a total of 80 :(
    3. do a bit of gardening :) planted pumpkins, watermelons and cantaloupe in the greenhouse
    4. do at least one self-care activity :) egg-white masque on hands and face...so soft!
    5. swim a mile :)
    6. 10+ cups water :smiley: 17

    1. Track all food
    2. under 75 G carbs
    3. do a whole bunch of self-care activities (going on date to the opera on Saturday)
    4. cardio/weight workout
    5. 10+ cups water
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,397 Member
    log all
    chew thoroughly
    nothing after 6:30pm
    bed by 8:00

    @bex APPLAUSE!!!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Friday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :smile: 9
    2. Meet my calorie goal :smile: Under again!
    3. Keep carbs under 20g :smiley: 15g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink :smile:
    5. Do one other physical activity today :smile: exceeded my step goal and also did some additional stretching/squats
    6. Finish presentation for work :smiley:

    I actually completed all of my goals for a change!

    Saturday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Meet my calorie goal
    3. Keep carbs under 20g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink
    5. Meet my step goal
    6. Do one other physical activity today
    7. Conduct prep for presentation
    8. Install digitizing software on sewing machine

    Yesterday was much better from a hunger perspective. I even got to eat a snack of peanut butter on celery and it was delish! I am also super jazzed this morning, because I got on the scale and have lost 5.2 pounds! I know it is all water weight, since I just started dieting, but I was very pleased to see the progress. :smiley:
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member

    1. Track all food :)
    2. under 75 G carbs was at 60G...then I ate a protein bar late at night for a total of 80 :(
    3. do a bit of gardening :) planted pumpkins, watermelons and cantaloupe in the greenhouse

    I am so jealous! I really miss our garden. We had a 3000 square foot garden when we were in the States, but can't have one here in Germany. I really do miss my fresh produce and all the canning I used to do. :neutral:
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member

    Just for Friday
    1. Log every bite
    2. Eat 1 lb of veggies today
    3. Carbs <75g
    4. Sugar <29g
    5. Finish Day 1 tasks for project of MST rebuild
    6. Get a walk in today. It's a beautiful day in Wisconsin! Skies are a beautiful blue.
    7. Keep a positive grateful attitude, both at work and at home.
    8. At least one random act of kindness.
    9. Work on Simple Abundance assignments and journal.

    None of these seem like hard things to do, so why the heck do I fail all the time! If I don't get it together by Monday, I am going to change my approach on Monday and make fewer more specific goals with actual plans to achieve them. I think I've gotten complacent with not meeting them.

    Have a GREAT Friday everyone! It's my favorite day of the week! :)

    I love your positive attitude! It really keeps me motivated. I especially like your goals for 6-8. I just may have to steal them... :wink:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,100 Member
    Goals for Friday
    - Be in the green. :smiley: very much so!!
    - Check the carb/sugar intake and beat it :smiley: yep!
    - Drink plenty - meh kind of
    - Meditation - yess
    - Exercise - no but walked dog twice

    Goals for Sat
    - Be in the green like yesterday!
    - Get some shopping in!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake
    - Meditate
    - Exercise! It's a lovely sunny day in Cheshire so must make the most of it!

    April Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    I thought I was really going to suffer on this diet. I am originally from Arizona and was wondering how I could survive without my typical eggs, chorizo, and potatoes breakfast. My husband usually cooks this up on Saturday mornings. Well, I told him just a small portion of chorizo with scrambled eggs for me. It ended up being very low carb, high protein, and surprisingly one of the lowest calorie breakfasts I had all week! :smiley: I also felt very satisfied like I had our traditional Saturday breakfast. I didn't miss the tortillas or potatoes at all. Well, maybe just a little. :wink:
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Friday

    Relax. Being uptight does not help me solve world hunger-I settled down, didn't solve world hunger. Didn't solve anything, but feel better :)
    Find the good in those around me and compliment them on it-I'm trying!!!!! Really should compliment people more..... I'm cheap and it's free :o
    Be thankful for the great life and all the love I have-Birds are singing, weather is mild, and I'm upright.

    Should be a nice day with all the kids. Soccer game, and some sort of fashion show later. Love it when I'm out with the babies and they are looking and acting all cute and stuff. <3 Somehow lost another pound...between the beer drinking and emotional eating, I am feeling pretty darn proud. Maybe, just maybe, I am making some changes I can actually live with.

    Just for today: Saturday
    Water 8 glasses. Smashed it yesterday probably because I didn't list it lol
    Don't be a slug. I am able bodied. Put it to use!!
    Enjoy family day. Be thankful for them. Love on the babies

    Have a great day ya'll
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hmm, seems I missed doing goals for Friday.
    Goals for saturday:
    1. Do one zumba dance and if it's nice out, go to a park.
    2. Eat only 2 sweets today.
    3. Drink 40 oz water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Yep it is pretty awful! On the plus side, I got a month off work :) on the downside, it makes it a lot harder to lose weight as I can't follow my usual strategy of exercising to burn off naughty food calories!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,515 Member
    Yesterday F 4/7/17
    1) Weather much improved and sun is out, participate in workplace plant identification hike at lunchtime. Great time out in the sun on trails, even though not many plants out of dormancy yet. Trails were soggy / swampy, I was not prepared and in afternoon had to let socks dry out some. Good thing I have a little heater under my desk. :smile:
    2) Food pre-logged for everything but dinner...plan to be w/i calorie goal today! Calories in the green (ate back some), and sodium very close (-21). Sugar not great (-10) but not as bad as some days. :smiley:
    3) Walk dog after work / errands. Walked 3 miles on beautiful evening, saw 2 ducks swimming and 2 deer. Dog was super happy b/c then I took her to Petco, and she always gets a treat. :smiley:
    4) Floss - Yes Day 4 :smiley:

    Since I started focusing more on CICO, the scale has been shifting downward - Yay! :smiley:

    Just for today Sat. 4/8/17
    1) Walk dog on this gorgeous spring day with clear blue sky!
    2) Get patio furniture and yard items out of shed with hubby's help
    3) Drink >10 cups of water
    4) Floss
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    From saturday:
    1. Didn't do zumba but I cleaned and I went to a park and I played a bit of soccer with my 3 yr old nephew
    2. Only ate 2 sweets today!!!
    3. Drank 40 oz water.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,100 Member

    Goals for Sat
    - Be in the green like yesterday! Yes.. by 3 calories :sweat_smile:
    - Get some shopping in! - no partner was unwell!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake yes I think so
    - Meditate - didn't get a chance!
    - Exercise! It's a lovely sunny day in Cheshire so must make the most of it! - unwell partner so no, but did walk dog!

    Goals for Sun
    - Be in the green!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake
    - Meditate
    - Get outside! It's supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far!

    April Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Saturday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :smile: 10
    2. Meet my calorie goal :smile:
    3. Keep carbs under 20g :smiley: 17g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink :smile:
    5. Meet my step goal :smile: going to increase by 1000 for this week to be more challenging
    6. Do one other physical activity today :smile:
    7. Conduct prep for presentation :neutral: didn't get as far as I had hoped, but making good progress
    8. Install digitizing software on sewing machine :s missed that one! Too much work!

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Meet my calorie goal
    3. Keep carbs under 20g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink
    5. Do one other physical activity today
    6. Continue prep for interviews
    7. Do something for me
    8. Do something special for my hubby

    I was a little slow getting started on my list today, but it is a gorgeous day. Took a hike up to the castle ruins this morning with my husband. It was hard, but really glad we did this! :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    dph118 wrote: »
    Took a hike up to the castle ruins this morning with my husband. It was hard, but really glad we did this! :smiley:

    Oh my gosh! What I wouldn't give to actually see some real castle ruins! What a cool thing to do! You made me smile and you made me dream all with this one sentence! That would be a perfect day to me. *sigh* ;)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Sat
    - Be in the green like yesterday! Yes.. by 3 calories :sweat_smile:
    - Get some shopping in! - no partner was unwell!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake yes I think so
    - Meditate - didn't get a chance!
    - Exercise! It's a lovely sunny day in Cheshire so must make the most of it! - unwell partner so no, but did walk dog!

    Look at you go! You're doing way better at this than I am! Nice...