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Drinking tea is a better choice

everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
Does anyone enjoy drinking tea when you're on a diet? Compared with cold water, tea is more tasty. Besides, tea without sugar is zero-calorie, so it's better than those sweeten drinks if you don't intend to put on weight. Also, hot tea is much more stomach-friendly than black coffee. I used to drink coffee to accelerate metabolism and blood circulation, but two cups of coffee can cause palpitations and headaches. Then I found tea is a better choice, aside from suppressing my appetite and stimulating my satiety, tea also helps boost my metabolic rate. Having a cup of tea before a meal helps a lot when I want to eat less food. Most improtantly, with 3-4 cups of tea a day, I have less desire about junk foods.


  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    I often use flavored herbal read in my water throughout the day, but I still love my coffee.
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    Tea tastes better than water (particularly when sweetened with Stevia), it's true... but I can grab a bottle of water out of the fridge at a moment's notice, and preparing tea takes time. I've never had coffee cause problem like you describe, but I prefer tea over that as well, most of the time. (a mug of tea that's gone cold is still delicious, but a mug of coffee gone cold goes down the drain)

    So what's better than water, but quicker than tea? Water with a squeeze of lemon juice extract!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2017
    I like water, I like making iced tea at home (chilling brewed tea) from various teas, and I like drinking tea hot sometimes, but it will never, ever compare with coffee in my mind. Coffee (black, or on very rare occasion with some sort of dairy) is my favorite beverage, no question.

    I don't personally care for any of these beverages sweetened.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I usually drink cold water or cold unsweetened tea. I like both.
    I sometimes drink unsweetened hot tea. There are lots of flavors to choose from.
    I don't believe tea has properties that help me lose weight other than not drinking calories.
    Some tea has caffeine. You might want to avoid that if you get headaches.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Lately I have been drinking Chicory. I used to think of it as just coffee substitute and then while living in france and italy I saw that it was considered a hot drink as popular as tea in its own right and so I started buying it and making it at home. Even the instant variety is good.

    I like my tea too though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Not much of a hot tea drinker. I like water. I like ice tea in the summer on the patio. Coffee is good.
  • shyhall
    shyhall Posts: 24 Member
    I drink decaf tea.

    But I've recently discovered Roo Bois tea, it's fantastic. I buy an organic brand called Tic Toc. It makes a
    nice cuppa.


    Health benefits of red rooibos tea include its use as a cure for nagging headaches, insomnia, asthma, eczema, bone weakness, hypertension, allergies, and premature aging. The tea is absolutely free from caffeine content and is also low in tannins. You can enjoy the refreshing beverage all day long with no possible side effects. Drinking rooibos tea can further ease severe stomach cramps, as well as bring relief to asthma and other related conditions. It also boosts the immune system of the human body.

    The health benefits of red rooibos tea are abundant. This form of tea has traditionally been popular due to its great taste and unique color, while also boosting the health of the body. Rooibos tea or red tea is a medicinal, herbal beverage that is acquired from the Aspalathus linearis bush plant that is found in South Africa.

    Its medicinal attributes have been confirmed by The US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, which has affirmed that red rooibos tea is capable of reducing cancer, heart disease, premature aging and other serious conditions.

    Nutritional Value Of Red Rooibos Tea
    Red rooibos tea has no oxalic acid and therefore, it can be consumed by people who have kidney stones. Rooibos tea is rich in many mineral contents such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium and alpha hydroxy acid. It also contains antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin, and the extremely potent and versatile phenolic compounds.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I love tea - hot or cold - unsweetened. But I understand it's not for everyone.
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I don't like hot tea and tea without sugar. I stick with water and diet pop as it works for me. Glad you found tea helps you.

    Thank you. Although We have different ways to stay fit, we enjoy what we're doing.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I start my day with green tea with lemon myrtle, or Earl Grey. Then I spend most of the day drinking peppermint tea or another herbal blend - the one I currently have is apple, hibiscus, beetroot, chilli, pink pepper, blackberry leaves, strawberries, cranberries, cornflower petals and safflower.

    I like interesting teas/tisanes.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    A big hot milky cup of tea does help sometimes, my cup is a big 500ml.
    Drinking cold tea is a foreign concept to me :confounded:
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    For whom?
    Compared with cold water, tea is more tasty.
    I agree. Tea is tasty. I'm a huge tea drinker, that doesn't mean I won't drink water. It's not an either/or situation. It's a 'what you prefer at a given moment' situation.
    Besides, tea without sugar is zero-calorie, so it's better than those sweeten drinks if you don't intend to put on weight.
    Coke Zero also has zero-calories, meaning drinking that won't make you magically put on weight. If that's what you prefer, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
    Also, hot tea is much more stomach-friendly than black coffee.
    Black tea can be just as irritating for the stomach as coffee. Peppermint tea and fruit infusions can trigger my acid reflux. So in this case, it really depends on the person/situation.
    I used to drink coffee to accelerate metabolism and blood circulation, but two cups of coffee can cause palpitations and headaches.
    For you, this might be the case, so it's a pretty good reason to avoid it. For other people triple that amount does next to nothing. I drink 3 cups of coffee per day, more when my migraines are troubling me as the caffeine helps me absorb the pain meds faster, meaning I'll need less of them. Nothing like pain medication washed down with a shot of espresso. Also, 3-4 cups of tea have the same amount of caffeine than 1-2 cups of coffee, unless you are taking decaffeinated tea or drinking only infusions and naturally caffeine-free teas like roiboos. Drink too much green tea and you'll be as jittery as if you'd drunk too much coffee.
    Then I found tea is a better choice, aside from suppressing my appetite and stimulating my satiety, tea also helps boost my metabolic rate.
    How does tea boost the metabolic rate?
    Having a cup of tea before a meal helps a lot when I want to eat less food. Most improtantly, with 3-4 cups of tea a day, I have less desire about junk foods.
    Good for you for finding something that helps. I often drink tea in the afternoon when I would normally reach for something to munch on. I also often reach for coke zero or coffee or water for the same reason. It keeps me from giving in to the boredom munchies.

    Bottom line - find what works for you, but be careful about generalizing. What applies to you, will not necessarily apply to someone else.

    Wow, thank you for your awesome comments. I totally agree with your points.
    There are so many kinds and brands of tea, as for me, I would suggest jasmine tea.
    And green tea is fine. On account of caffeine, 2-3 cups a day would be appropriate.
    I've heard that our metabolic rate would rise by 4% if we drink 3 cups of green tea everyday.
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    I often use flavored herbal read in my water throughout the day, but I still love my coffee.

    Yeah, I love coffee, too.
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    Wolfger wrote: »
    Tea tastes better than water (particularly when sweetened with Stevia), it's true... but I can grab a bottle of water out of the fridge at a moment's notice, and preparing tea takes time. I've never had coffee cause problem like you describe, but I prefer tea over that as well, most of the time. (a mug of tea that's gone cold is still delicious, but a mug of coffee gone cold goes down the drain)

    So what's better than water, but quicker than tea? Water with a squeeze of lemon juice extract!

    LOL. You're right, lemon juice is good, I like it!
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    Not for everyone.

    Sure, water suits everyone's taste. :)
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I drink a few cups of tea every night. I drink like a pot of coffee per day. Plus diet cokes too. I like it all. Except cold water...nope.