Squats - barbell/smith machine

Would there be any difference in the two in terms of progress and effectiveness? I feel like I have a better range of motion with the smith machine and with the barbell I'm sort of all over the place. Well, they don't look as clean as my squats with the smith. Especially when it's time to go heavy.


  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    So much difference in both! I started out using the Smith because I didn't have access to a real rack. Actually ended up hurting my knee and lower back due to lack of ROM of the machine. When I was able to join a gym with a real rack and barbell, I had to deload from the Smith weight in order to maintain good form. I had (thankfully) worked on my core and was able to quickly progress back up in weight. If you have access to both, I would recommend ditching the Smith and working on your form with the barbell before you progress.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Would there be any difference in the two in terms of progress and effectiveness? I feel like I have a better range of motion with the smith machine and with the barbell I'm sort of all over the place. Well, they don't look as clean as my squats with the smith. Especially when it's time to go heavy.

    yes, as others said - complete difference - that is why you find one so much harder than the other! start light with barbell squats until you have your form down and then increase...
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    Dang it. Thanks y'all! I'll stick with the barbell and maybe just work on my form a little more.
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    Dang it. Thanks y'all! I'll stick with the barbell and maybe just work on my form a little more.

    Form is more important than weight, you can do it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Huge difference....and most people who use a smith machine actually end up with really *kitten* form...

    Get under a barbell...practice form before weight...starting light will both help you with form as well as training your tendons/ligaments, and smaller "helper" muscles which don't catch up as fast as your larger muscles. One of the issues with going too heavy too soon is not only form...but people end up getting tendinitis and such because their larger muscles can handle the weight, but the tendons are under trained.
  • cogirljb
    cogirljb Posts: 66 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yep, go with the barbell, like others have said!! It took me a bit to get my form right and a stance that worked good for me, but once I did it felt great!! Just keep at it, you'll start building that weight up in no time!!!
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Smith Machine squats :(
    Barbell squats :)
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    The only concern I really have.. is that I'm constantly trying to improve my form (with BB) and I keep myself from adding more weight like I do with every other exercise. So, I feel that when even with great form, once I add like 5-10 lbs I have to again work on form with this new weight load. Just takes longer than I felt like it would on the smith machine. Glad I asked before switching before I would of been horribly wrong.

    I really wish I was comfortable recording myself. Maybe when the gym is empty I will. Machines in my gym are very close to others making it hard to record myself and not record others in the background.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    Dang it. Thanks y'all! I'll stick with the barbell and maybe just work on my form a little more.

    this ^

    dont worry about adding weight, its not about the number on the bar, its most about your form and technique. the weight will come once your form is good. This is what lifting and progression is all about . And with a less weight proper form you will actually get a better workout than heavy weights all over the place. Don't use the smith machine , its really a lousy piece of equip.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    The only concern I really have.. is that I'm constantly trying to improve my form (with BB) and I keep myself from adding more weight like I do with every other exercise. So, I feel that when even with great form, once I add like 5-10 lbs I have to again work on form with this new weight load. Just takes longer than I felt like it would on the smith machine. Glad I asked before switching before I would of been horribly wrong.

    I really wish I was comfortable recording myself. Maybe when the gym is empty I will. Machines in my gym are very close to others making it hard to record myself and not record others in the background.

    that's the whole idea...it isn't a race! take your time with each weight until you can work your way up in weight..then start again and repeat!
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    edited June 2017
    I set my phone against a dumbbell on the floor, positioned to record. No one notices...or no one cares that I am recording myself.

    You aren't hogging all the mirrors, flexing, and taking selfies in the middle of the gym. That's kind of silly. Recording yourself to check form and depth is important.

    ETA: If you are worried about catching other ppl in the background, just delete after you watch. No one can get confrontational with you then.
  • joeybrid
    joeybrid Posts: 65 Member
    2 completely different exercises. Smith machine squats are equivalent to a standing leg press. DO NOT squat on the smith like you would with a barbell, your legs need to be much further forward with the smith.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Does your gym have smaller weights than 2.5 lbs for barbell or micro weights? I found the gyms here only think people will go up a minimum of 5 lbs on barbell lifts. Micro plates are used by some of the strong dudes as they are already squating 600 lbs+ and even a 1/2 lbs increase for them keeps them on a linear progression. When my linear progression slows down I likely will buy a set as they are less than $50 on amazon.

    My opinion on machines is not good. I hate isolation exercises and machines that limit your body's self stabilizing effect. I know they have a place in most programs but not for what I am after. All those machines in the gym take up space that could be better used on squat racks and platforms for deadlifts and olympic lifts. ;)
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    Both have their benefits.

    Like others have said free standing barbell squats will require more balance and causing your muscles to work together.

    At the same time, you dont need to stop using the smith machine. You could do a couple sets of the barbell squat to work on form and sort of a warm-up until the weight increases and then move onto some work on the leg press or smith machine to help build your leg strenght.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    The only concern I really have.. is that I'm constantly trying to improve my form (with BB) and I keep myself from adding more weight like I do with every other exercise. So, I feel that when even with great form, once I add like 5-10 lbs I have to again work on form with this new weight load.

    could just be because i've had so much more work to do on my own form than i ever expected, but i've really come to value that as a measure of progress in its own right.

    you could also consider this idea: if the amount you're increasing by is seriously disrupting your form then you might be increasing a little too aggressively right now. so another way of approaching it would be to either

    - add less weight each time but keep doing whatever set/rep range you have.
    - or add weight less often, but do your 'progressing' by adding an extra rep to the sets for a few more workouts before you move up.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I used a smith machine before I had access to a barbell. It is a world of difference and if you have a choice, definitely go with free weights! You will just have to learn everything over again otherwise :\
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Every squat session should be an opportunity to work your form... I am using the StrongLifts 5x5... it's a solid lift program for beginners... check it out... lifting heavy isn't just about heaving weights like a x- fit program paramount is safety... be slow and methodical about your progress otherwise you risk injury and sidelining your self... lighter weight fewer sets with higher reps periodically will lock the motion into muscle memory and don't ever skip a quick 5-10 minute cardio to get the blood flowing, and some stretching beforehand THEN do 3-5 warm up sets with much lighter weights than the working sets... my squat session from start to finish is almost 45 minutes. Be patient play for the long term gains
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Big difference!
    If possible barbell squats are the best choice.