100 lbs to lose and keep falling of the wagon

I have always been a big girl. And i am fine being a big girl but i have gotten way to unhealthy.

In high school I was always big. But it wasn't a bad big. it was a strong big. I was an athlete. In
volleyball I was a back center. I had great control over my body and could land the ball where ever was needed. Softball i was a catcher that had great reflexes and a wicked arm. I was also a heavy weight co-ed wrestler. I had a low center of gravity and was quick with reversals.

Now I have 2 kids and a husband. I was diagnosed with Fibromyagia 2 years ago and I have aloud it to bring me down. If you don't know what that is here is the short version: it is a nerve disorder that causes the nerves in my body to tell my brain that I am in pain when there is nothing causing pain. The smallest touch can feel like being hit with a baseball bat. My son sitting on my lap feels like a grown man jumping on me. During bad flare ups the sun, just on a normal day, can feel like being branded by a hot poker. It causes sensory sensitivity, which in me, can make my boys just running around the back yard yelling feel like i am at a drag strip with do ear protection. SO i have let it keep me in side. keep me away from doing things with me kids.

In high school when i felt my healthiest i was a little over 200lbs. I started my weight loss journey last month at 306lbs. Right now i am stuck at 290lbs. I am so out of shape that i have to sit down half way though a zumba video. I put my boys in a bake carriage every night and ride them around the block 3 times. that equals a mile and i almost collapse when i am done. but then i want to cry because my boys beg for just one more trip around but i cant do it.

I am trying to cut carbs not so much because i think it is a fast track to loosing weight but when i start tracking on here i realized that we were eating more carbs than calories on a daily bases. Sad things is i can by the stuff to buy spaghetti and garlic bread for half the price it would cost to make a descent salad. So i have a hard time keeping the carbs low.

I really would like some friends on here that will actually comment on the things I post. keep me accountable when i haven't posted in a couple of day. I will do the same for you all too. I want some one that can help push me to do more. and tell me when i actually made good choices. Some one that will look at my food diary and tell me i should not have eaten that. I know i sound very needy but right now that is really what i need.

MY husband is on this journey with me too trying to loose weight but he is very sweet. he wont tell me i shouldn't have ate that or you need to go work out. we go on the bike rides together and we eat healthy together but i need a little more pushing.


  • BettieBathory
    BettieBathory Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2017
    Let's be friends. I am in a similar position. I have fibromyalgia and it's an every day struggle I understand all too well. My husband is also the same. He won't tell me to put the food down. Haha.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,107 Member
    Personally I think you need to be a bit easier on yourself, there is no should or shouldn't eat in your diary,

    I don't really understand how you think you're eating more carbs than calories unless there is a typo in there, because carbs make up calories (there are 4 calories per gram of carbs).

    Start small, set yourself to 1-2lb weight loss per week to get your calorie allowance from MFP. Get a food scale and start accurately logging your food intake for a couple of days of normal eating. This will help you see where you are taking in needless calories. Review your diary and see where you can make small sustainable changes to bring yourself down to your calorie goal.

    For example you mentioned spaghetti & garlic bread, if you're not weighing out the spaghetti, you are probably underestimating the portion size (I know I was free-pouring about 125g pasta instead of the 75g recommended portion size) and that can make a big difference.

    You can make other small changes depending on what your own issues are, here are few other examples:
    • Drinking your calories (Sugary sodas/cofeees, Iced Tea, etc) switch some or all to diet soda, water or lower calorie versions of coffees
    • Cooking Methods (shallow/deep frying in oil) - switch to baking/roasting/grilling, try using a 1 cal spray instead of free pouring oil.
    • Eating large portions of calorie dense foods - switch to lower calorie versions/substitutes or eat smaller portions of them
    • Condiments - Creamer, Mayonnaise, Butter, Salad Dressing - they all add up.

    Focus on getting down to your calorie allowance, once you have got that under control you can start making small changes again to improve your nutrition.

    You don't need to workout or do exercise to lose weight - it can help a little but the majority of weight loss happens from what you're doing in the kitchen. Exercise is great for overall health and fitness, find something you enjoy doing that you can build up slowly, even just a gentle walk helps and the more you do it, the easier you will find it and as the weight comes off it will also get easier.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    Personally I think you need to be a bit easier on yourself, there is no should or shouldn't eat in your diary,

    I don't really understand how you think you're eating more carbs than calories unless there is a typo in there, because carbs make up calories (there are 4 calories per gram of carbs).

    Start small, set yourself to 1-2lb weight loss per week to get your calorie allowance from MFP. Get a food scale and start accurately logging your food intake for a couple of days of normal eating. This will help you see where you are taking in needless calories. Review your diary and see where you can make small sustainable changes to bring yourself down to your calorie goal.

    For example you mentioned spaghetti & garlic bread, if you're not weighing out the spaghetti, you are probably underestimating the portion size (I know I was free-pouring about 125g pasta instead of the 75g recommended portion size) and that can make a big difference.

    You can make other small changes depending on what your own issues are, here are few other examples:
    • Drinking your calories (Sugary sodas/cofeees, Iced Tea, etc) switch some or all to diet soda, water or lower calorie versions of coffees
    • Cooking Methods (shallow/deep frying in oil) - switch to baking/roasting/grilling, try using a 1 cal spray instead of free pouring oil.
    • Eating large portions of calorie dense foods - switch to lower calorie versions/substitutes or eat smaller portions of them
    • Condiments - Creamer, Mayonnaise, Butter, Salad Dressing - they all add up.

    Focus on getting down to your calorie allowance, once you have got that under control you can start making small changes again to improve your nutrition.

    You don't need to workout or do exercise to lose weight - it can help a little but the majority of weight loss happens from what you're doing in the kitchen. Exercise is great for overall health and fitness, find something you enjoy doing that you can build up slowly, even just a gentle walk helps and the more you do it, the easier you will find it and as the weight comes off it will also get easier.

    I bought a bike and now we all go on family bike rides. that has made working out really easy with the family.
    I have already down a lot of the cut backs you have mentioned. i only drink water and some dt pop on occasion. i dont deep fry anything. the smell bothers me for days. We do veggie noodles now in stead of regular noodles. I think my biggest weakness is the weekends. Only because im cooking for my kids every meal instead of just dinner like the rest of the week. my kids eat healthy with us but i do have to give them some fillers that we dont eat to keep them from being hungry 30 mins later. they love fruits and veggies and they would eat all of them in the house if they could but honestly at the price of them anymore i cant afford that and feel like a horrible mother telling me son no you cant have another apple. I log everything as accurately as i can. even the bad things i eat. really im just whinning. lol
  • kaylarenee8910
    kaylarenee8910 Posts: 11 Member
    I am here for this! I have anemia and hypothyroid which makes me SO TIRED ALL THE TIME. Finding energy to work out is so hard. And putting thought and energy into what I eat sometimes just doesn't feel worth it. I've lost the same 15 lbs like 6 times in the last year. And it makes me so sad to think about where I could be if I hadn't given up all those times. Need accountability friends. Upbeat and positive friends!
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    I am here for this! I have anemia and hypothyroid which makes me SO TIRED ALL THE TIME. Finding energy to work out is so hard. And putting thought and energy into what I eat sometimes just doesn't feel worth it. I've lost the same 15 lbs like 6 times in the last year. And it makes me so sad to think about where I could be if I hadn't given up all those times. Need accountability friends. Upbeat and positive friends!

    That is me :)
  • craftedbydesign
    craftedbydesign Posts: 15 Member
    I would love an add! I have hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. List 50# last year, but gained back 30, lost 2 this week, though. (Still need to drop another 118) Needing support! I am a mom 27 and forget but I need to cook special meals for myself due to my celiac and other allergies. I used to be so active! I was running 6 miles a day swimming 2 miles, and teaching Zumba 5 days a week. Now I have to start over :'( My adrenal fatigue has made things harder than ever.
  • anbraddock9
    anbraddock9 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 180 pounds to lose I am also falling off the wagon like crazy I haven't been doing good and months now I can really use motivation and support and would also like to give some to others who are in the same situation thought we could help each other please feel free to add me as a friend thank you
  • ceejayrush
    ceejayrush Posts: 9 Member
    Don't give up. As long as the wagon has wheels keep getting on.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    The only thing that helps my Fibro symptoms consistently is exercise, so I encourage you to continue that.
  • Iheartrunning36
    Iheartrunning36 Posts: 73 Member
    I suffer from major fatigue, never been officially diagnosed but it's debilitating. It's gotten a little better now that I've dropped 18 pounds, but I can somewhat related. Exercise keeps my fatigue at bay, or at least the majority of it. Add me, I'm a great support base
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    Have you looked into Intermittent fasting or one-meal-a-day? Aka warrior diet. So it seems like it's difficult for you to keep carbs low, for whatever reason.. (mine is because I have such a sweet tooth!) I just started a few days ago and I get to eat as much carbs as I want! I've been on low to no carb diet and I hated it and couldn't sustain on it. With fasting diet- there are no restrictions on what you eat as long as you consume your set amount of calories. Calories in calories out. Look into it, you may want to consider going in this direction. Low carb diet aren't for everyone.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    Mezzie1024 wrote: »
    The only thing that helps my Fibro symptoms consistently is exercise, so I encourage you to continue that.

    We bought a inflatable hot tub back in the spring and i have found that it helps me a lot too. but i know a few Fibro people that heat makes it worse
  • morethandesire
    morethandesire Posts: 1 Member
    I so relate to all you've shared! AGE does that, I'm afraid-makes the body painful where it was once unaffected by the choices made. I have over 100 pounds to GO, but have also made some significant progress. In 2003, I was over 500 pounds, and today working toward more progress. This problem IS progressive, if no one has ever told you. I could use some encouragement too! I find in giving away I get so much more! Wanna work together? My name is 'more than desire' on here b/c DESIRE ALONE won't do what needs doing... I've learned I must ACT to the correct ways needed for my life. I'm about EMBRACING LIFE to the fullest...and yes, I fall down, but it's not that falling down IS SO BAD, but it's that failure to GET BACK UP and address the 'trip hazards' are so deadly. THIS IS A KILLING DISEASE, and it seeks to take my life. Join me in this challenge to overcome it! <3
  • KimsHealthJourney
    KimsHealthJourney Posts: 15 Member
    mjtaylor87 wrote: »
    I have always been a big girl. And i am fine being a big girl but i have gotten way to unhealthy.

    In high school I was always big. But it wasn't a bad big. it was a strong big.

    Now I have 2 kids and a husband. I was diagnosed with Fibromyagia 2 years ago and I have aloud it to bring me down. If you don't know what that is here is the short version: it is a nerve disorder that causes the nerves in my body to tell my brain that I am in pain when there is nothing causing pain. The smallest touch can feel like being hit with a baseball bat. My son sitting on my lap feels like a grown man jumping on me. During bad flare ups the sun, just on a normal day, can feel like being branded by a hot poker. It causes sensory sensitivity, which in me, can make my boys just running around the back yard yelling feel like i am at a drag strip with do ear protection. SO i have let it keep me in side. keep me away from doing things with me kids.

    In high school when i felt my healthiest i was a little over 200lbs. I started my weight loss journey last month at 306lbs. Right now i am stuck at 290lbs. I am so out of shape that i have to sit down half way though a zumba video.

    Thank you for sharing this!! I can't believe I am posting this on a public board but my weight has fluctuated from 154'ish in high school after losing 30 pounds when I thought I was fat around 180 pounds... to 182 in Weight Watchers when I joined at 280 pounds a few years ago.... so I lost 99.75 pounds doing WW and gained it back after a couple of years it started... and then some after going through a divorce and losing my brother as well when he was 45 and it skyrocked up to 304 at the highest weight ever and I was mortified avoiding every mirror around.

    I'm at 258 as of this morning. I set mini goals on here. Right now my next goal is 249.9 (under 250)... from there I will modify my goal again to a lesser number. That way it isn't so overwhelming.

    I'm 5'8 and have a large frame and will always have curves. I had breast reduction surgery in 2006 and it was too late to resolve my back issues. I was more than a DDD cup and it made activity difficult.

    I've suffered with fibroids on my uterus that have made the last 16 years very difficult. My doctor refused a hysterectomy as I was still of child bearing age and wanted kids but wasn't able to conceive because of them. Finally in November of 2016, he took out my uterus and ovaries (hot flashes at 45 are a joy!). And in December I had an emergency vertebrae fusion after whiplash that lead to a severely herniated disk that should have left me paralyzed and possibly dead. I am so thankful for my health, for not being paralyzed, and for finally feeling a huge amount of relief from both surgeries. THANK YOU GOD.

    Now that I am finding my energy again (bleeding daily makes you anemic even with Iron pills to supplement) I am exercising and getting many more steps in and journaling my good AND bad days and working towards a healthier me.

    I also want to thank you for explaining how fibromyalgia is to live with. I truly really didn't know what it is like and that was a real eye opener and I am really sorry you have such a terrible condition.

    I will do my best to support you (and anyone else who reads this and wants to add me). Just remember not to beat yourself up. You do sound hard on yourself. We are only human. We do make mistakes. All of us do. And also realize you did not wake up overnight weighing what you do. It takes a long time to put it on. And it will be a journey to take it back off and especially to keep it off.

    I'm ready to do this with you (and others who would like to add me) as well!!! I want to get off my blood pressure pills and I would also love to not need an inhaler before I mow my lawn or shovel my driveway!!! Fortunately that's typically the only times I need it. I can typically use my air walker and my elliptical bike without needing it. But I have an inhaler in my purse daily.

    I wish you better health and a positive journey and keep your chin up!! Target 1-2 pounds a week. I've always heard it's unhealthy to lose faster than that. Also one thing to remember... once you start trying to exercise more and work out, muscle weighs more than fat.

    Let's do this!!!
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    kokonani wrote: »
    Have you looked into Intermittent fasting or one-meal-a-day? Aka warrior diet. So it seems like it's difficult for you to keep carbs low, for whatever reason.. (mine is because I have such a sweet tooth!) I just started a few days ago and I get to eat as much carbs as I want! I've been on low to no carb diet and I hated it and couldn't sustain on it. With fasting diet- there are no restrictions on what you eat as long as you consume your set amount of calories. Calories in calories out. Look into it, you may want to consider going in this direction. Low carb diet aren't for everyone.

    I am getting better with the low carb. I cant handle the fasting diet. with out eating my body crashes really bad and with working and 2 boys i can risk the crash. im not a big sweet person im just a big pasta and bread person but im getting better at it.
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    I fall off the wagon all the time, but I get back on as often. In 8 months, I've lost 90 lbs, falling off the wagon all the time. You can do this! I still have another 80lbs to go, but know that falling off the wagon is going to keep happening but so will the weight loss because I'm determined. You can do this.