Staying on Track Through the Holidays

Every year, a vast majority of people go In to the holidays with high hopes of maintaining integrity of health and nutrition, however it only becomes reality for few. “This year will be different”, I’m going in to the holidays planning to eat hearty in moderation, and hopefully start the new year on the same train I’ve been on. I will NOT let thanksgiving snowball to Christmas and face plant into the new year full of regret (with respect to health). Let’s make this a team effort and stay focused during the winter season!


  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I am not too worried this year because I am pretty far along on my way to goal but still far enough away that I am in restricted calorie mode. When I screwed up in the past is when I was somewhat overweight but not actively losing it; I would decide to do a New Years resolution and live it up in the meantime. New Years would roll around and I would false start a couple of times and then let it slide.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,845 Member
    Yes! That's my plan too
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I'm with you! We've been visiting family all week, and I've been in defecit for all but 2 days since last Friday. I'll be starting Thanksgiving day in the gym, then running at least 2 miles. I've got to earn that stuffing and pie!
  • Bechler77
    Bechler77 Posts: 65 Member
    Today is going to be epic for me. I've been waiting for this day for eleven months. I've had one flex day this year and Thanksgiving will be my second. No regrets no guilt no worries. I'm enjoying great food today with good people and will love every minute of it. But Friday is back to normal. No rest for the wicked. Getting ready for my work out this morning
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    For me the key will be logging everyday, exercising as much as possible, and enjoying the people or event and not just focusing on food. Thanksgiving is about being thankful. I will think about that today instead of just eating.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    Thanksgiving is ONE day. You can't ruin everything in one day. Enjoy all the food. Tomorrow is back ON. Happy Thanksgiving

    This is accurate.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I always encourage people to use two tactics... one is to switch to maintainance mode for the holidays and allow them the flexibility of +/- 100 calories around their TDEE to stay on track. We always try and "maintain, not gain" during the holiday season. In other words, we don't try and stick to fat loss during this time because it's rarely successful and leads to a lot of guilt/shame/missing out around this time of the year.

    The second, is on the "big day" i usually recommend IF. This limits the damage to one sit down meal instead of a full day of consistent grazing. People get to eat what they want without reservation, but we limit the time they're eating to that one meal.

    We have 365 days a year and even if we celebrated every single “national” holiday and cultural holiday like valentines, Halloween, our birthday and our significant other’s birthday….. that is still only 18 days a year or 4% of our total year. Our physical fitness and body composition is a direct result of our consistent habits over long periods of time, the holidays don't have to mean weight gain and stress. ;)