Needing to know info, on birthcontrol and weight gain
:sad: Hi everyone I am sorta scared of taking birth control and gaining back any weight I have lost. My doctor perscribed it because me and my husband have been married for four years and because of recent health problems ( a rare heart condition) didn't want me to get pregnant until this is taken care of. I started the…
Eating after 7 pm
Does everyone tend to not eat after supper? That is when i get the hungriest i think because you are just sitting around, water is the key im sure.
"Your Diet Profile" Chart - Question re: Calories Burned No
Hi. I'd appreciate if someone could explain to me the figure listed in the chart referenced above (it's in the My Profile section). The chart lists my Target Daily Calories Burned through normal activites as 1620. I would have thought this number was the sum of my BMR (1330) and daily calories burned through exercise, but…
Weigh ins
I have read several posts where people mention that they are weighing in tomorrow. Is this a scheduled weekly weigh in that you have with yourself or a group or at a meeting of some sort?
Weight Craze
I have lost 25 pounds to date and am really happy about it.. I only have 9 more to go!! It has been a real emotional roller-coaster doing this.. I have found it really hard to think about anythingelse but what i am gonna eat tomorrow or what i have eaten etc.. i just wanna know if any1 else is going through the same thing?…
how do you include breastfeeding into the whole process?
I am writing on behalf of my girlfriend who would like to set up a profile for herself and track her progress.. One question she asked me today is how does breastfeeding affect caloric intake and caloric expenditures? If anyone has any idea how to calculate breastfeeding please post a response. Cheers and thanks Naomi
I made a post yesterday about being over protein, and again today i will be over protein, I know it is probably not a big deal to be over by a bit, but angers me. Does everyone usually not eat a protein for lunch, I am wondering if I should just have a salad and a fruit or yogurt. What is a normal lunch for everyone, ideas…
Sending your thoughts to Janet's family
There are so many of you that have sent wonderful wishes for Janet. I am adding this post so I can print it and give it to her daughter in the card. If you would like for me to send your thoughts, please post them here. Thank you, Renee I will give her the card on Wednesday.
A note from Janet's Daughter
I went by to see Janet's daughter this morning. They were getting ready to head out. They are taking Janet's ashes to Crescent City to spread along the water where they did the same for her late husband. Along with the ashes, they are going to float a Twinkie. Janet and her husband would eat a Twinkie every Saturday night…
calories left over
I have a question, if someone could help me out. It is almost 9pm and I still have 168 calories left for the day. Is it a big deal if I eat less than the recommended calories for the day? :huh: :huh:
Stretchmarks!!! :-(
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows any natural way to 'fade' stretchmarks? I haven't had children, but i presume they are there from gaining weight! :sad: I have them on my arms, thighs, stomach and breasts, a lot of them are the white ones and not too noticeable but i do have a few red/purple ones! I was happy today about…
Any Secrets?
Ok. Since we're just coming off the weekend, I was wondering what are some tricks that you guys use to get through Friday-Saturday-Sunday? The weekend is particularly hard for me because everybody in the family is home.....While everyone is on their school/work schedule, I do pretty good, but on the weekend, I want to eat…
Do I have this right?
Okay I've been on this site for 3 months. I've lost 9 pounds, which is good but in three months I should have reached my goal of 25 pounds right? I have my goals set to 1,200 calories a day, but I've been reading that your calorie intake shouldn't go below your BMR (or RMR) which for me is 1386. So this is saying that I…
Excess skin
This is something that tends to worry me, after I lose the weight will I have excess skin just hanging around or will it tighten up, is there anyone out there that is looking at losing up to 85-100lbs or has lost that much. What happens? This actually scares the hell out of me.
Does it count?
Does it count if you bite the chocolate and taste it on your tongue then spit it out? :laugh: I wiped the "residue" off my tongue too. :tongue: What did you try and spit out today cause you felt guilty? :devil:
Feeling a little upset today. Just finished my first week, I did well with both the calories and exercising. Did a weight in this morning... one scale had me up a pound, and another scale had me down a pound. :cry: I realize that I could be building muscle, but feel a little discouraged looking at those #'s.... Oh well…
PMS Cravings
What do you all do about PMS cravings? It is that time of month for me and I could eat wallpaper. :grumble:
Before and After pics
Ok I really didnt want to show this because the after is still not good but here I go. The before pic was with a size 15 pant and that was with already losing 20 or so pounds. The after is a few months ago in a size 12 after losing about 45 lbs. I will take another belly shot in 2 or so pounds that will put me at losing a…
Which Way Is The Best Way To Loose Weight??
Ok, So I have tried every diet under the stars... I have spent more money than I dont know what... and the result is... I am confused more than ever. Low Fat, Low Calorie, No Carb... All Protein.... What is the best way to loose weight?? I recently went through a really tough time in my life and I lost a lot of weight. I…
too many proteins
THis is my first day and already have totally screwed up with the calculator. My proteins are over by 23. I have had salmon, broccoli and for supper will have chicken. If I cut out more proteins i will have to cut my portiens of meat. How does everyone stay under the protein limit. If I cut out proteins my calories will go…
Reward yourself
I was thinking that what we are all doing is not easy. We all set out goals and reaching it is a reward like no other. I think we deserve more. I am setting reward goals for myself. When I lose 20 pounds, I am going to go and get a pedicure, 30 I will get a manicure, 50 a massage of a life time. 75 I am going to get a…
Do I need to eat more because I worked out?
I started exercising this morning and now its stating I have all these extra calories I'm allowed to have my problem is I've had breakfast, snack, lunch and still have over 1,000 calories to take in. Is it necessary to eat that extra that I have enabled myself to have by working out?
Measuring Inches
I wanted to start measuring myself but wasn't sure how to go about doing it since I've never done it before. Are there particular areas? I don't want to just start measuring all sorts of places on my body. Does anyone do this regularly and are there specific places on the body to do it? Any info would be great...thanks.…
Post-workout Snacks
I was just wondering what some good snacks are for after your workout. I tend to be hungry after I workout and many times eat string cheese, but I was wondering if there is something that's better to eat immediately after? Any suggestions? Thanks, *Kistinbee*
Getting My partner to exersice
Both My partner and I bot are dieting and I have tried to get him to atleast walk each day with me. Each time I get ready to go for a walk I ask him if he wants to go and he just looks at me. I just say that is ok you do not have to go if you do not want to. I really do not know what to do to get him up off the couch and…
Bad news about Janet
I just called Janet to see how she was doing and to wish her luck on her appt Monday. Her daughter answered. Janet passed away in her sleep last night. I wanted to let you all know that she really appreciated your kind words. Renee
Calorie Intake
I keep reading about how people have an apparent hard time eating so many calories.. anyone having a hard time eating less... I swear sometimes I think I am starving myself.. and if I know I am going to a large family dinner I feel like i am going to have to starve myself just so that I can partake in it and not get slack…
2 Challenges
1. This is a different kind of challenge. Not a diet one, but a kindness one. I challenge everybody out there to take an extra step and help somebody. It can be anything. Just make a difference in somebodies day. It can be a simple thing like putting the old ladies new paper or her door step so she doesn't have to walk in…
Janet-sleep apnea
Janet's daughter just called. They think she died from sleep apnea. They will know for sure tomorrow afternoon.