
So many people on this site are really opposed to fasting
im wonder why

not only is fasting a way to lose weight but it can sometimes be the best medicine. it does wonders for your skin, it can prevent or cure illness, and it also can be a very spiritual expierence if fasting is combined with prayer or meditation.

"Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants...All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time colon cleanser/faster sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit."--

fasting is a way to have quick weight loss although it sould not be your primary way to lose weight. you need to eat to maintain your weight. it is a balance.


  • lovableditz
    So many people on this site are really opposed to fasting
    im wonder why

    not only is fasting a way to lose weight but it can sometimes be the best medicine. it does wonders for your skin, it can prevent or cure illness, and it also can be a very spiritual expierence if fasting is combined with prayer or meditation.

    "Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants...All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time colon cleanser/faster sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit."--

    fasting is a way to have quick weight loss although it sould not be your primary way to lose weight. you need to eat to maintain your weight. it is a balance.
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I am not against it if it is for a day or two and as you said - not a primary source of weight loss. The weight you lose so quickly will be gained back just as quickly once you add food back into your diet. And the longer you prolong the fast, the more you become at risk for damaging your body.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Do detox diets offer any health benefits?

    Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.

    Detoxification, or detox, diets are touted by many as a way to remove "toxins" from the body. This practice stems from the belief that the food you consume contains a range of harmful substances, which accumulate in your body, causing fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease. But there is no evidence that this is true or that detox diets have any health benefits. Also, in some cases, detox diets can have harmful side effects.

    Detox diets vary. But the basic premise is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, sugar, certain grains, dairy and caffeine. Detox diets typically start with fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit and fruit juices and water. In addition, some detox diets advocate using herbal laxatives, antioxidants and colon cleansing (enemas) to help "clean" out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days.

    Some people report they feel better, "lighter," and more focused and energetic during and after detox diets. This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. But it may also be due to not eating much — if anything — for more than several days. Calorie restriction can lead to heightened feelings of psychological well-being.

    However, there is no evidence that detox diets actually remove toxins from the body. Most toxins in the body are very efficiently and effectively removed by the kidneys and liver and excreted in urine and stool.

    Early side effects of fasting include headaches. Prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction can result in anemia, low blood sugar and irregular heartbeat. Before going on a fast or detox diet, talk to your doctor.

    The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

    That is just one. It is from the Mayo Clinic
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    You are only 18 years old. You have a lot to learn my dear. Be very careful with your health. Fasting is just another fad diet that they are charging a lot of money for. Don’t believe everything you read when they charge the kind of prices they are at that site.
    You also need to be careful who you tell to fast. You have no idea what that persons health issues are and doing something like fasting could be detrimental to their health. You are welcome to do what ever you wish. But please don’t tell others that’s the way for them to lose weight.
    People here are trying to lose weight to be healthy not for superficial reasons and vanity alone. Be very careful you don’t break your health while you are so young.
    I honestly do hope you abandon this way of thinking and eating. You really need to eat a healthy balanced diet for your own sake.
    Take care of yourself hun and don't throw your good health in the trash this way.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Do detox diets offer any health benefits?

    Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.

    Detoxification, or detox, diets are touted by many as a way to remove "toxins" from the body. This practice stems from the belief that the food you consume contains a range of harmful substances, which accumulate in your body, causing fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease. But there is no evidence that this is true or that detox diets have any health benefits. Also, in some cases, detox diets can have harmful side effects.

    Detox diets vary. But the basic premise is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, sugar, certain grains, dairy and caffeine. Detox diets typically start with fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit and fruit juices and water. In addition, some detox diets advocate using herbal laxatives, antioxidants and colon cleansing (enemas) to help "clean" out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days.

    Some people report they feel better, "lighter," and more focused and energetic during and after detox diets. This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. But it may also be due to not eating much — if anything — for more than several days. Calorie restriction can lead to heightened feelings of psychological well-being.

    However, there is no evidence that detox diets actually remove toxins from the body. Most toxins in the body are very efficiently and effectively removed by the kidneys and liver and excreted in urine and stool.

    Early side effects of fasting include headaches. Prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction can result in anemia, low blood sugar and irregular heartbeat. Before going on a fast or detox diet, talk to your doctor.

    The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

    That is just one. It is from the Mayo Clinic

    I thank you for the info, I recently posted, interested in learning more about the benefits of detox if any, this is pretty clear that it isn't what I was thiking it was.

  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Personally I don't think I could go an entire day without anything but water. If I tried to exercise I would just fall over! However, I recently read an article about the Mormon faith and how they fast one day per month. Apparently it helps their health (but so does not drinking caffeine and alcohol). I agree that fruit, veggies, whole grains, water and exercise are the correct healthy way to go. Starving yourself is never the solution and won't teach good habits. And I have found that I actually lose more weight during the weeks that I consciously eat snacks because it helps my body before/after working out.
  • CzarinaJoyce
    How long should you fast for?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    How long should you fast for?

    3 or 4 hours between meals, or while you sleep.:bigsmile:
    The body is an efficient flushes its own toxins, because if it didn't, we'd all be dead in elementary school from sepsis. Your colon, I promise, is smooth and pink and there's no rotting meat/vegetation etc. in it. If you're drinking your 64+ oz of water a day, your kidneys are constantly flushed and your filtration system is at 100%. Fasting for 24 hours will give you a headache, drop your blood sugar, cause a release of glucose from your glycogen stores, which may become depleted by the end of the day, and that's about it. Fasting for 40 hours or more will cause an increase in the loss of muscle mass because your body will have no amino acids to use for glucose production. You can fast relatively safely for up to 16 hours, but at that point cortisol and catecholemines are released, and any possible benefit is gone. If you want to fast for religious reasons, that's fine, but don't do it for more than 16 hours, and when you're done fasting, eat all of your necessary calories for the day. I've said time and again that extreme caloric deprivation hurts rather than helps.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    How long should you fast for?

    You should NEVER fast !!! It is not safe !!!

    Read this :

    Do detox diets offer any health benefits?

    Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.

    Detoxification, or detox, diets are touted by many as a way to remove "toxins" from the body. This practice stems from the belief that the food you consume contains a range of harmful substances, which accumulate in your body, causing fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease. But there is no evidence that this is true or that detox diets have any health benefits. Also, in some cases, detox diets can have harmful side effects.

    Detox diets vary. But the basic premise is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, sugar, certain grains, dairy and caffeine. Detox diets typically start with fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit and fruit juices and water. In addition, some detox diets advocate using herbal laxatives, antioxidants and colon cleansing (enemas) to help "clean" out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days.

    Some people report they feel better, "lighter," and more focused and energetic during and after detox diets. This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. But it may also be due to not eating much — if anything — for more than several days. Calorie restriction can lead to heightened feelings of psychological well-being.

    However, there is no evidence that detox diets actually remove toxins from the body. Most toxins in the body are very efficiently and effectively removed by the kidneys and liver and excreted in urine and stool.

    Early side effects of fasting include headaches. Prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction can result in anemia, low blood sugar and irregular heartbeat. Before going on a fast or detox diet, talk to your doctor.

    The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

    That is just one. It is from the Mayo Clinic


    How long should you fast for? (Which was your question)

    3 or 4 hours between meals, or while you sleep.
    The body is an efficient flushes its own toxins, because if it didn't, we'd all be dead in elementary school from sepsis. Your colon, I promise, is smooth and pink and there's no rotting meat/vegetation etc. in it. If you're drinking your 64+ oz of water a day, your kidneys are constantly flushed and your filtration system is at 100%. Fasting for 24 hours will give you a headache, drop your blood sugar, cause a release of glucose from your glycogen stores, which may become depleted by the end of the day, and that's about it. Fasting for 40 hours or more will cause an increase in the loss of muscle mass because your body will have no amino acids to use for glucose production. You can fast relatively safely for up to 16 hours, but at that point cortisol and catecholemines are released, and any possible benefit is gone. If you want to fast for religious reasons, that's fine, but don't do it for more than 16 hours, and when you're done fasting, eat all of your necessary calories for the day. I've said time and again that extreme caloric deprivation hurts rather than helps.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Songbrydsweet I don't know how old you are but you have your head on straight!!!

    When looking for answers to questions like fasting you must read books that are for it and against it and more than one source for each. Of course if you read about fasting from a book or article that is pro fasting you are only going to get a portion of the truth. Faith based fasting does only for a short amount of time or it limits the types of foods that one can consume, it does not, for safety reasons, ask that children fast.

    Fasting for long periods of time with little or no nutrients for your body is absurd and unhealthy. You will notice that so called DETOX diets are often limited to one food group for consumption. The purpose of detox diets is not to rid the body of toxins, your kidneys and liver do that for you. Detox diets usually are based around getting you back to the basic nutrients that your body needs and cut out sugar and a lot of fatty foods leaving you with legumes, veggies, fruit and some dairy and egg whites as your allowable foods.

    If you are trying to get rid of cravings for sugar and crappy food you should use a healthy detox diet that allows you to eat but only healthy foods and you will find that after a few days your headaches from lack of caffiene and sweet tooth will subside and you will actually crave the healthier foods that are available to us!

    Fasting and other type diets only cause your metabolism to go into a tailspin and in the end your young vibrant bodies will rebel against you and you will end up middle aged and fighting with every ounce of your being to get fit again. Learn to eat and exercise properly now so you can have a long and healthy life!
  • lovableditz
    How long should you fast for?

    an effective fast for a beginner is 3-7 days.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    what do you do exactly when you fast?? Why do you feel it is safe??
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I am on a daniel's fast through my church, we don't cut out all food but i'm going without meat or dairy or bread for a whole month, i figure now would be a good time to try to lose weight and get back into shape at the same time. Cutting all food out though damages your metabolism which is not a good thing, but fasting with prayer is a good thing as long as it is in moderation.
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    Lovableditz, i don't mean to be funny but I just read your profile and it made me sad! :cry:

    I know you are only 18 and have a lot more of life to experience, but believe me its not all about being thin to get a boyfriend.

    For a start you are already thin and beautiful and if any man thinks otherwise then he is not worth a second look anyway!

    I don't know who told you to fast for 3-7 days to lose weight, and who in your life thinks its ok to live off granola and apples but they are wrong. :grumble:
    You should live your life and enjoy being young free and single, and hopefully healthy!
    Because from what i see you will surely have yourself a whole load of health problems later in life if you carry on like you are.

    Sorry I don't mean to be harsh, i just get worried when i hear girls your age talking like that.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I fast once a month for religious reasons. Usually I skip 2 meals, sometimes 3. We are NEVER encouraged to fast longer than 12-24 hours. When I fast I do feel my body "submitting" to my spirit, but I would never go for days (or even more hours) on end. I feel faint enough after missing 2 meals.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    She's not going to listen to the NO FASTING and that's too bad.
    Wanting your hip bone to show and thinking that you can't/won't get a BF b/c your ribs aren't showing is a very naive thing to think. I'm just worried about the other young people that come to this site for inspiration and read things like that.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    How long should you fast for?

    Don't do it.! Do it the healthy way. Eat right and exercise. Make it a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    :explode: :mad:
  • lovableditz
    what do you do exactly when you fast?? Why do you feel it is safe??

    I just either don't eat or drink only fruit juice i think its safe. i mean occasionally ill get light headed while excercising but i just drink more water and it normally pases. i feel sicker when i over eat.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode:
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