If you're out of shape is your BMR lower?
Maybe. Abstract: Article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1038/oby.2011.262/abstract;jsessionid=55F7EA672B4A52DF716286C3FE9EE6FD.f04t02 Another argument to get or stay fit - it may directly improve your resting metabolic rate.
Intermittent Fasting: Where Are We Now?
Alan Aragon shared Martin Berkhan's post. 31 mins · Martin Berkhan provides his counterpoints to an IF review paper I wrote in AARR. Note: Martin was gracious enough to ask permission to re-pub restricted material along with his feedback, and in the spirit of peer review & scientific dialogue, I made an exception. Enjoy!…
A quick refresher on a calorie is a calorie ....
A quick rehash for everyone on this, as it seems to be coming up in the other nutrition debate threads. All calories are the same in that they provide the same amount of energy; HOWEVER, all calories do not have the same nutritional profile. so yes 100 calories of carrots = 100 calories of oreos from an energy standpoint;…
Keto diet
6 days no carbs. Cold turkey. High fat and protein diet is working wonders. Eventually, slowly introduce fruits back in and that's all you need. :)
Dr Sarah Hallburg: Calories in vs calories out pet peeve
I have started watching a few of Dr Sarah Hallburgs LCHF videos. As far as LCHF goes in regards to controlling diabetes type 2, and insulin resistance, I understand the metabolic advantages as it relates to controlling blood glucose. What I don't understand is her saying that Insulin resistance makes us fat and that it's a…
Protein intake for highly-trained, natural weight lifters during caloric deficit
Ugh, protein discussion again? Yes! Here we go! If you have been reading the forums here for awhile, then you probably have come to realize that the US RDA for protein (0.8 grams per kg bodyweight per day) is woefully inadequate for all athetes, and specifically too low for people engaged in regular weight training. Now,…
THE REVERSE DIET DEBATE: Eric Helms + Menno Henselmans vs. Layne Norton + Peter Fitschen
Post workout protein/meal?
The importance of the a post (or pre) workout meal/protein to build strength?
Stacking Supplements (thermogenics)
I know this topic will be controversial, but I need some guidance. I went to 5 Star Nutrition looking for thermogenics, something my Marine brother told me about. I asked the guys in there what I could utilize along with counting calories and working out to help me burn more fat. They gave me Phenta-XT by Gentech Pharma…
Shows promoting Low Fat diets....
I came across and old BBC TV show from 2006 - I Know What You Ate Last Summer. This show promoted Low Fat diets and lots of outdoor exercises to overweight teenagers at a camp in California. It also had a calorie cap of 1200 and a fat cap of only 12 grams! This can't be so healthy in the long run.... and it was promoting…
Why Science Says Sugar Is Bad for Weight Loss - the MFP Hello Healthy Blog
I don't read the MFP blog very often, but someone mentioned their latest post in another thread. I'm bringing it to the Nutrition Debate forum for comment. Anyone want to take it point by point? http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/science-says-sugar-bad-weight-loss/
Muscle gain in deficit?
So as not to derail topic on main board. I have heard people say they aren't losing weight because they are gaining muscle and "muscle weighs more than fat". Can you gain muscle in a deficit? Would it be a noticeable amount? I thought it was hard to gain muscle, and a goal, while losing weight, was to try to retain it.
Sirt food diet
This diet was in all the papers and magazines this New Year in the UK, I don't know about elsewhere. Is it 100% mumbo jumbo or are there elements of truth to it?
The Problem With The Raw Food Movement
http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2016/02/22/whats-really-in-raw-food/#115d8d325fc3 The raw food crazies are making themselves sick. There’s a thing called the Raw Food Movement that has been growing in popularity in recent years. Proponents argue that it’s far healthier than our usual (human) diet of cooked…
Breakfast yes or no?
I'm not sure if this is really a debate so much as a personal choice, but I know there are disagreements among experts about whether eating breakfast assists in or inhibits weight loss. Most of our lives, we've heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but there has been some more recent research on…
Help me find that link - metabolism myth
There was a video I saw on one of the forums that was a study that took two friends one fat, one thin, and measured their intake with some funky water drink. They compared it against what they logged as eating and it showed the fat one ate more than they thought. And the thin one are less. And that her metabolism wasn't…
Coke Zero
So there's a fizzy drink with zero sugar and zero calories that tastes good, of course I'm talking about coke zero but how good/bad is it for you whilst on a strict diet?
more protien better...or not?
So with all the protien craze going on what are you thoughts? Is protien powder a must for building muscle or just a good meal with protien works as well(I know food is best but lets face it protien powder is easy)? And do we really need that much protien? My fitness pal recommends 90 grams for me then if I exercise it…
Best macro ratio
I'm trying to figure out the best way to lose weight. So far I have been trying to get my macros 35% protein 35% carbs and 30% fat. But I'm beginning to see that I need to learn how to figure it all out but everyone seems to have different opinions. Can anyone help?
Veganism for weight loss
Is there such a thing? If you want to lose weight, but keep your muscle mass, would a vegan diet help in any way?
Questioning Intermittent Fasting
I am on IF for bit over a week now, and must say - I love it so far! Probably, easiest weight-maintenance plan I've come across. Mind, I've never really been a breakfast-person, so I alternated my plan to 19:5 schedule. I fast from ~9PM-15PM and break fast ~15PM-8PM. Sometimes changing the hours to later, if I have a…
Study on effects of eliminating GMOs
Help my Keto friend. Say NO to egg fasting
I'm part of a mommy group that are all keto. I am not but enjoy the comraderie. One of the ladies has started an egg fast. 5 days of eggs only. It sounds hideous. It's from the IBIH site. Help me explain at least to the others why this is a bad idea. Apparently you can loose 4-6 pounds in that time and you only put a…
If You Doubt The Organic Industry Leads The Anti-GMO Movement, This Settles It
http://www.forbes.com/sites/kavinsenapathy/2016/02/23/if-you-doubt-the-organic-industry-leads-the-anti-gmo-movement-this-settles-it/#21a391e06083 This week, Dr. Joseph Mercola, famous alternative medicine advocate and vaccination opponent who sells homeopathic and organic supplements at Mercola.com, proclaimed the “#1 most…
Calorie Shifting
I've searched around a bit on MFP and online and am confused. Is calorie shifting a "fad diet" thing or is there something to it. I have been working to help my mum get a handle on her weight, though at this point she just doesn't seem to be ready. She has done the yoyo thing since I was in my teens, she didn't have a…
A little comedy relief about Paleo
This Video About the Absurdity of the Paleo Diet Is Hilariously on Point http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Paleo-CrossFit-Video-38828062
Apple Cider Vinegar
I was talking with my sister this weekend and telling her how my weight loss was going. She suggested taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the morning. Apparently some people swear by it. Something about alkaline and acidity. I started to tune her out as soon as she started because it sounded pretty hokey and the…
Minimum fat grams?
I'm confused about the minimum level of dietary fat needed to avoid health issues. I've seen various numbers thrown around in some threads on MFP: - 30 g regardless of body mass (online calculators such as http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/) - 0.4 g/lb of lean body mass - 0.4 g/lb of total body mass - 20-35% of calories…
Common Sense and Weight Loss/Nutrition
I just want to say that I have never seen a community whose general knowledge and advice is so rooted in common sense and rational conclusions. I have found that so much information out there about weight loss and nutrition is based on misinformation and generally accepted falsehoods, even coming from nutritionists and…
Does lacking specific nutrients cause specific cravings?
"Im on my period, mmm I'm craving steak. Must be low in iron" Haha we've all heard this sort of sentence. I haven't ever had this personally happen to me, so I was just wondering if any of you have thoughts on this. Is it legitimate? It just seems to me that our bodies just wouldn't be that "smart" to know a steak is high…