Question for the lifting crowd (women pls)...



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited October 2014

    Guess I was just mentally comparing them to some MMA fighters?

    Hers are huge. I forget the movie, but they were quite excellent.

    Also, seriously, think about it, she's an elite level athlete. What are the chances you'll get to an elite level? Somewhere between none and zero.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I don't think it's something you should concern yourself with right now. Weight loss in general does affect breast size when you're losing fat. But those women that are lifting and look like what you posted are working out a LOT to achieve that look. They are dedicated to it and work significantly on it. Just starting some general lifting, even if you do it regularly and do heavy weights, isn't going to affect your body like that quickly, if at all unless you plan to make a job of it. Most of us would have a long way to go with major lifestyle changes beyond what we're changing now before we even had to think about it.
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I guess I got psyched out from some of the more "intense" pictures and horror stories one hears about "well I lost 20 lbs but it was all boob". (That seems to be the one place I haven't made a dent.)
    I'm definitely going to look into where to start and what to do as a newb.

  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    edited October 2014
    Lifting heaving weights will not reduce breast size. I'm a 34H so I can attest to the fact. If you see a woman who lifts heavy, with a before and after shot showing less "boobage", it is because of the decrease in body fat to a really low point. Often these women regain their usual shape after competition. You will notice that women who don't lift at all, but are underweight, lose breast size too that is usually regained with a small weight gain. On a positive note lifting heavy leads to good posture and a strong back. Whether you are large or small the way you carry yourself makes the "girls" (and you) look strong and proud.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I guess I got psyched out from some of the more "intense" pictures and horror stories one hears about "well I lost 20 lbs but it was all boob". (That seems to be the one place I haven't made a dent.)
    I'm definitely going to look into where to start and what to do as a newb.


    I has my boobs...


    In all seriousness tho I lost mine through weight loss but not totally...lifting has just helped firm up my chest, arms etc.

    Go for it.