Anyone else have no thyroid or dysfunctional thyroid?



  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    It's my understanding that if you've had thyroid cancer, they are supposed to keep you slightly hyperthyroid to prevent recurrence. At least they do me, and I've looked up the American Thyroid Association guidelines, and that's the standard. I lost significant weight after having mine removed because a) I felt a lot better just having the thing out, and b) they finally gave me enough thyroid hormone to where I felt good. They'd always given me enough synthroid to be in the stated range, but it wasn't enough for me.

    The problem with slightly hyperthyroid is that it puts bones and heart at risk. I had two DEXA scans a year apart, even though I was pre-menopausal, to make sure I wasn't losing bone mass or at low bone mass. I was fine, so we're not doing any more until post-menopause.

    For the record, I don't wait two hours before eating -- more like half an hour to an hour. I've had no problems. I have been told to avoid any mineral supplements within 4 hours of taking the meds.

    You might want to look at the treatment guidelines:

  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    p.s. on the doctors keeping people slightly hypo: there is some dispute as to what constitutes normal range. Standard is typically TSH of .5 to 4.5, but some believe that should be 0.3 to 3.0. When my thyroid was sputtering out, prior to the cancer, I kept testing high normal and they kept telling me I was fine even though I had every symptom in the book -- ridiculously dry hair and skin, overwhelming fatigue, weight gain, increasing depression, you name it.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Hashimotos here. I'm on 50 synthroid, getting blood work done next week and may get it bumped to

    I have read that certain foods can trigger hypo symptoms, and through an elimination diet, I've found that wheat aggravates it. I also try to avoid broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc. I'm also taking vitamin D and a multivitamin, but be careful to take any supplements or other medications 4 hours before or after your Synthroid, and I was told wait an hour before eating or take it two hours after eating.

    I have been able to lose weight since being on synthroid, but it's only been 8 months and we're still tweaking my dosage.
  • NoelleED
    NoelleED Posts: 148
    Thank you to everyone who commented. :)
  • Chance___123
    Chance___123 Posts: 2 Member
    I had thyroid cancer and Hashimotos. I had a total thyroidectomy 2 months ago. I'm looking for some friends to help me stay motivated! I need help
  • ljpark
    ljpark Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all... I do not normally review posts on this app, as thyca has such a great community (on If you are not already active on that site, I encourage anyone to check it out. It has a wealth of information and support. Personnaly, I had two thyroid surgeries in 2012 and RAI late 2014. I struggle with my weight, even when I am slightly hyper on thyroxine, but that is for another time! Good to see posts from like people out there! LJP