Anyone looking to lose 90 pounds and want to do it with me?



  • eugeneia14
    :D I have lost 11 so far using this program. I started in mid-August. My goal is to lose another 60. By far this has been the most motivating for me. Tracking food & exercise is helping & motivating me to stick with it. I find I still have flexibility with my food, just more careful about how much & how often. I now think twice about what I put in my body, do I want to sacrifice the calories & go over. I also love to see the calories I burn with exercise, which motivates me to be active everyday. Loving it so far!!
  • tfercken
    tfercken Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join! I've lost abour 24 pounds so far and I'm looking to lose another 76 if not more, but I'll deffinitly enjoy having people to share the experience with.
  • actonangels1
    actonangels1 Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I've recently joined and I need to lose a good 50 - 60 lbs or so, maybe more. Good Luck to you!
  • klmorelock
    klmorelock Posts: 6 Member
    I am working to join the 100 pound club, too! Started May 1st, down 30.5 to date. Feel free, anyone, to add me. I get motivation from the feed as well. Good luck in your journey!
  • actonangels1
    actonangels1 Posts: 41 Member
    Anyone here have an open diary? I'm really struggling with what to make for dinner that would still leave me some snack points for later in the evening when those cravings hit
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    I'm in, and welcome new friends. I've been doing this for 2 solid months, with the idea of longevity over a quick loss. I'm down about 18lbs in 2 months and in for the long haul.

    I started off at 268 and have a goal of 190. I realize that is only 78lbs, so I'm willing to go to 178 if it will allow me in the club :open_mouth:

    I post most days and I was working on a 60 day streak, but was out of cell service last weekend and my streak was broke.
  • SconnieGirl22
    SconnieGirl22 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a lot to lose and I could use as many friends as I can get. I'd love if you would "friend" me. Thanks :)
  • snuglbunee
    I am just getting started and have 116 pounds to lose to get to the higher end of my "ideal" weight. I'd love to join and be a part of this great group! Please add me
  • corofinlass
    corofinlass Posts: 43 Member
    Started a month ago with over 100lbs to loose. I am 5'2 and weigh 227lbs. Down 11 so far. Just joined here last week and finding the logging great for portion control. Best of luck on your journey.
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    I turned 279lbs in january.. not good. Wanting to get back down to my profile size- @ 145.. no mean feat, that's almost half my weight... but have lost 20lb since july 1st just by changing foods. Have also bought a couple of beachbody programs to help at home- not ready for going back in the gym/classes. Been doing them for 3 weeks now, fun but still having trouble with some moves.. so unfit it's heartbreaking.
    You can add me too... only been on the site a couple of days, so still finding my way round, but I'm told writing blogs help, so I'll start on that soon.
    Guess the more support we give each other, the harder it will be to make excuses
    happy workouts/ shedding!
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    :) Hey!
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this!!
    I've got about 100lbs to loose. I have lost before but gained again due to illness. Now I'm feeling better and moving in the right direction again! Feel free to add me! We can do this!
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Just checking in to make sure everyone had a great day. It's Friday, at least in my part of the world and looking forward to a great weekend. My goal this weekend is to stay away from the Adult Beverages. I have less than 1lb to go to hit 20lbs lost, and this is going to be the weekend to get there.

    What are your goals for the weekend to keep the dream alive.

    Lesson Learned today: I've stayed motivated by reading the success stories on this site and others, and it has worked. However, I've found myself judgemental towards people who post success stories of lossing 40, 50, 60 lbs and their halfway there? I kept thinking, why don't these people just wait. Then when I jumped on the scale this morning and realized what work I had put in to get to "Almost" 20lb loss, I realized, that every success is worth it and I will no longer look down on those that are almost there and want to share it. Every success no matter how big or small needs to be celebrated!
  • mcbrainder
    mcbrainder Posts: 73 Member
    Great post shadowloss.

    I've been working out but yesterday was the first day I ate everything right and I woke up feeling better than usual and a little less bloated. In addition, somehow I was five pounds down. Very likely water weight, but I'll take it for now.

    So I'm someone who weighs myself every day, despite all advice against it. I can honestly say that will probably never change, but I promise not to get discouraged when the scale doesn't move. I know it's mostly about what's in the mirror and how clothes fit. I just like to gauge what's working and what doesn't and try to get in tune with my body.

    Happy weekend everyone!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I am always up for new friends :)
  • maggiephelps12
    maggiephelps12 Posts: 6 Member
    I set a goal to lose 90lbs in January. I am 44 lbs down now since then. I take it 20lbs at a time so It does not seem so overwhelming. Every 20lbs I change my goal. Plus make sure after every 10lbs you update your mfp cause your daily calories will go down. If anyone want to add me feel free a lot of my friends that I have do not log on anymore and have given up. I am committed to this...I started at 221 and now I am 178. I want to be at around 125.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Weekend of ups and downs. My goal was to stay away from Adult beverages (Failed). I ended up having a few drinks on Saturday night.

    My friend stopped by Saturday night to show me his new Harley. We were planning on going for a ride Sunday morning to check the fall colors, however when I woke up on Sunday, it was raining, and where we were planning on going, the only color would have been white.

    I made the best of a bad situation. Pulled my butt away from some very bad football games and took my son (14) to the gym to work out. Since he is playing HS football I thought I would be in for a schooling, but in fact, I still had a little left in the tank. I worked his butt off and kept up with him. Then he wanted to race around the track (1/10 mile). I almost beat him, but at min kept up with him. I was thouroughly impressed with what I was able to accomplish, and the best part it made me want to go back. My son enjoyed the work, so looks like we are going to committ to 3 times a week. Looking forward to adding at little strength training in.

    Here's to a better week, I'm still bound and determined to hit 20lbs (Since the beginning) loss this week.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    edited October 2014
    Wow, looks like the woosh fairy was here and stole all the people?
  • mcbrainder
    mcbrainder Posts: 73 Member
    I'm still here. Was out of town over the weekend and got a touch of the flu the last couple days, so have been a little out of it, but haven't been splurging or anything. Mostly, I've just been following friends progress that I got from this thread.
  • sionna7910
    sionna7910 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started using the myfitnesspal app on my phone to log calories. It was recommended by my nutritionist. I thought I should see one because I had gotten up to 285 and was gaining 10lbs a year on average (literally - I know I was about 175 when I got married in 2003). I had realized that I was tired, getting headaches, having joint pain, and was easily winded just going up the staircase in my home. None of those things are good.
    First, I went to my doctor. They diagnosed me as being Vit D3 deficient. Great. This causes fatigue, so my joy in learning something was causing it was significant.
    Three weeks of Vit D3, and I'm still tired. Went to the nutritionist and obtained a plan of attack! Now I have caloric goals, as well as numbers to meet for carbs, fat, and protein. She also gave me specific instructions to workout for 30-40 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
    (The part that's odd is that the caloric numbers are quite a bit less than what the myfitnesspal is showing?)
    So here I am, looking to get down past where I was before, all the way down to about 145-150 - so what is that? 140lbs I need to lose? Sad for this 5'6" girl. But I know I got myself in this position and I can get myself out!
    I hope you will consider me a partner in this endeavor - one can always use friends when trying to climb to the top!
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Bam! I hit the 20lbs GONE mark today. It was one of my short term goals and the scale was feeling a little generous this morning. Now, on to the next 20lbs, my goal is to hit it by Christmas so people will stop asking me to play Santa at the family Christmas party. I would rather play Scrugg, he was much thinner and active!