Advice about weight lifting gloves



  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Versa Gripps. Get them.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    Yours don't sound as bad as mine.

    After lifting yesterday, I had callouses under each of my four fingers (not thumbs) and tiny blisters on each palm. Today I can still see all of them except for the ones under my index fingers. They also seemed to have dried out compared to the rest of my hands.

    I use a lot of moisturizer already so I don't think it's a lack of moisturizer. My weights have a rough texture that I assume is to help with grip.

    So check it.

    I have a skin condition that makes my skin on my hands ridiculously dry. As in, peeling for no reason. I get callouses from really small stuff, you should see the size of the callous I have from using a chef's knife.

    Think about your technique. Is it ok? You shouldn't be having crazy callouses unless you have totally candy hands.

    All bars have knurling, it's for grip and good for you. A smooth bar will result in bar droppage. As for gloves, obviously, I think you should try for yourself... however I will add:
    I've not seen anyone using them in any of the gyms I go to. Hand wraps only at the boxing gym because we were hitting *kitten* and each other.

    I'd really think about that.