How do I stop overeating and craving unhealthy things?

Whenever I visit my boyfriend, I eat so much. My appetite becomes so large that sometimes I eat even more than him (he's 6' and 185lbs, I'm only 5'2" and 124lbs). Strangely, when I'm living in my apartment (I live 6 hours away due to college), my appetite shrinks and sometimes don't even make it over 1200 calories. I'm not depressed or anything, I do well in my classes and have friends.. The weather is also very nice here (LA). Any ideas on why this happens?! Or how I can stop myself from overeating when I'm around him? I also tend to eat very unhealthily when I'm with him as well.


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You can eat unhealthy and still lose weight. If you are being restrictive on what you eat at home then I can see hwo you'd wind up binging when you are in an environment that reinforces intake of calorie-dense foods.

    1200 calories is probably still too low for you as well, even a few hundred calories more will liekly be more manageable and reasonable.

    Stop putting restrictions on foods, eat what you desire and that fits into your day's calories, and you're fine.
  • sawadoll
    sawadoll Posts: 39 Member
    I know how you feel! I always over eat when I am with my bf. my tips to combat this is to do your own portion size, and remember you don't have to eat when he eats. For example, when my bf and I go out to eat and I'm not hungry, I just order a drink such as a trim coffee etc while he eats.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    You say that you eat a lot when you're with him, and add on that you eat unhealthily... As if the unhealthy eating is a side effect of eating a lot. In my experience, this goes the other way around - when I eat a larger amount of unhealthy foods, I tend to want more of them... And turn a treat into a cheat.

    The next time you're with him, try steering him towards healthier options - pass on chips, go for veggies and dip, or rather than fast food make a good caesar salad (with grilled chicken?). It could make a difference.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    If you're not eating much when you're alone, you're making up for it when you're with him. I used to be the same way with my now 44 years together husband. I was single and worked and didn't eat a lot on the weekdays, but when we got together on weekends it was feast time. I was so hungry by the time Friday night came along I could devour a 22 oz, steak with no problem, and at that time I was 5'7" and 118 pounds haha.
  • sallybaine
    sallybaine Posts: 15 Member
    It's the hardest thing to sit opposite someone who eats a lot and unhealthily. Takes so much inner strength and willpower not to cave, especially if the offer you food.

    My partner won't make healthy choices just to not tempt me, so I have to learn how to resist temptation. It's soooo hard though, I know how you feel.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    I say it's happiness to be honest. When my husband goes away, food is so not important to me and it can get to 4pm before I even realise I haven't eaten anything.

    When he's around we're always cooking or going out. Food makes up so much of our relationship. It's been a learning curve of finding the right balance.

    Just remember that you don't have to eat what he eats. Check your portion size. If he's going for extra treats, then just ask for a little bite of whatever it is to get a taste of it. Yes, there's still calories in that, but a tiny nibble of a 200 calorie choc bar isn't going to hurt you.