Working away

Hi all,

I work away quite a lot and since I got the job a year or so ago this really hasn't helped me with my weight loss!

Its too easy to call into a McDonalds or get junk food on an evening when I’m bored in my hotel.

What I've started to try and do is take a cool box in the boot of my car with my lunch for while I'm away and instead of eating out or getting fast food and on the evening I go to the supermarket and get a salad and some cold meat/fish.

I also struggle with exercise when i am away as the hotels quite often don’t have a gym. I am doing Insanity at the moment but its not really suitable for a hotel room! I can’t do road running as i have a dodgy knee. I did download an app called 7 minutes which I did in my room last night and seemed to work fine.

Anyone in a similar position got any other hints/tips?

TC x