I'm stuck

Hello All I have been on MFP for 31 days I'm down 12 pounds which is a huge feat for me. I work out 3-4 days a week doing cardio and strength training both of which I enjoy now; However for the last week I have been stuck gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. I don't know what else to do and I am feeling a little discouraged. I'll be happy to open up my diary for you to have a look. I'm just looking for maybe some help in maybe some things I need to change.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You're probably not really stuck. After looking at your diary, I'm going to suggest that your lack of weight loss is probably just fluid retention from excess sodium. Try reducing your sodium and see if that helps. And if not, just keep going. We all have weeks where we don't lose. You've been pretty successful so far and you will be again in the future. Keep at it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    You're probably not really stuck. After looking at your diary, I'm going to suggest that your lack of weight loss is probably just fluid retention from excess sodium. Try reducing your sodium and see if that helps. And if not, just keep going. We all have weeks where we don't lose. You've been pretty successful so far and you will be again in the future. Keep at it.
  • jamesdavidy
    jamesdavidy Posts: 32
    edited October 2014
    Dont be discouraged, you have made great inroads to a change of lifestyle, carry on down you path, read and research as much as you can about nutrition, there is lots of info just a few key strokes away, Just to echo the above, your body composition, fluid retention loss of fat and activation of muscle will result in fluctuations, you have to take the long view, you are becoming a better stronger you...never stop.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I have noticed that others on different threads have recommended weighing your food rather than going for the "cup" measurement, as actual weight can be more accurate.
    I was shocked at what a real serving looked like, seems i had been making enough for a family of 4 lol!
    That cinnomen bread sounds lovely and look so low in cals compared to the bread i use, might see if i can get some.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2014
    Does this help

    My weight loss over the last month has been

    Week 1 down 1lb
    Week 2 stayed the same
    Week 3 up 1lb
    Week 4 stayed the same
    Week 5 this week (post TOM) down 4lb

    Weight loss is not linear..you're looking for the trend overall..too much sodium, lots of exercise, hormonal fluctuations all impact on regular weight loss week to week

    (PS I started 5 June and have lost 33 lbs overall..the weight loss slows but it's still going in the right direction)
  • adidiano
    adidiano Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone. I did notice I was eating more sodium than normal and I'm trying to bring it down plus drink more water on top of what I was hoping that it helps.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    edited October 2014
    Extras - Louisiana Hot Sauce, 2 teaspoon ( <---- can you switch to maybe "salsa" instead)

    PS: 12 pounds in 31 days? I lost 30 pounds from April 18th until this morning)
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    1 week of not losing weight is not stuck, especially after you've lost so much in such a short period of time. When you don't lose weight for a month,then you can start to worry.
  • ka33433
    ka33433 Posts: 32 Member
    I wouldn't say your stuck, it's just going to slow down, I am not sure how much 'excess' you have, but it might be your body is ready to slow down now. Gets harder as the weightloss goes on!
    I would suggest changing your exercise once your body becomes used to it though, otherwise your body won't be challenged, and then you will just maintain the weightloss, rather than losing more. I shake mine up REGULARLY.. and i mean regularly. xx