Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire exercising -- is it working for you?

Hey MFP!
I'm new to the site, join joined yesterday, and I was brought here by someone who had lost 73 pounds and they mentioned this place from another website that I go on frequently.

Okay, so what my real topic is all about is, of course, Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire, both of these exercising routines made by Chalene Johnson. I was just wondering if anyone had ever used these two before? I did Turbo Jam when I was thirteen/fourteen years old, and I had been 188 pounds back then - and managed to shrink myself to about 140 or so pounds in just a few months. I absolutely loved Turbo Jam when I was younger, and the funny thing was, my mom had bought it for herself - though once I took it over, it was just mine. Lol! I did it every day without even hesitating. I cleaned up my eating a lot; I remember cutting down on my bread eating and junk-food intake without a problem, choosing baby carrots and grapes, tons of water, walking my dog for an hour each day, bike riding, sleeping well, and on top of that I had a gym class in school each day, too. So basically everything went well when I was at that age.

Though some family issues sprang up. Domestic violence, divorces, moving, I grew really depressed and thought about taking my life more than once, I felt like I was worthless and everything that I did was wrong. I had continued with my Turbo Fire routine, though with everything happening, I did it sporadically - especially since when the moves, all of my things would be jumbled up. So, I could be doing TF in March, and then all of the sudden all of my DVD's are missing and no one can find them, and then I suddenly find them all in June, with the exception of a couple of the DVD's scratched up and not working properly or some going missing. I think last year or maybe two years ago, I saw my Turbo Fire DVD's for the last time; they were just gone after months of keeping them in the same place. My family has a nasty and irritating habit of moving things, especially my younger siblings - they move/touch things that don't belong to them all the time - and that really brought me down hard. I was starting to suspect that people in my family didn't even want me to continue doing the workout routine anymore. My mom doesn't like Chalene Johnson's workouts, for some reason.

And for months and months, I was bouncing up and down the 180's, pretty much stuck.

I graduated high school in June. And all summer, I admit, I wasn't the most productive. My mom was going to work each and every day, basically, so I was trapped inside with my siblings; watching them, cleaning the house, sitting at the computer when they weren't causing too much trouble. Staying up late, on the laptop. Basically, I just sat all summer. Not a whole lot of healthy snacks in the fridge, and I wasn't entirely learned on how to make healthy food - no one has ever taught me how to cook like that.

I don't know how I was surprised at, what, the end of August to find out that I packed on 20 more pounds and wound up in the 200's range. Now it's October and I'm still stuck in that range. I'm restarting my Turbo Jam schedule for a third time because I keep binge eating junk (like I said, not a lot of healthy food in the house). My goal was always 130 pounds when I was thirteen and I had been so close before things blew up, and my goal weight is still to be 140/150 pounds again, but secretly, I want to be 130. I'm eighteen years old, turning 19 in April. I want to lose 70 pounds as a birthday gift to me.

So the point of this long-winded topic is, is anyone else out there using Turbo Jam and or Turbo Fire? What's your goal weight? What weight had you started from before you began it, and how far along are you? Is it working out for you? And I think that I need an outside opinion on what to do with all of this junk food in my house?


  • ShellMarie35
    ShellMarie35 Posts: 34 Member
    TurboJam and TurboFire are the only workouts I do now. I love them. I started at 180 pounds and I am now at 131 pounds. My first goal weight is to be 125, but my ultimate goal weight is to be 120. I've tried losing weight several times, but I could never find a workout I actually liked doing until TurboJam and TurboFire. There wasn't a lot of healthy food in my house when I started either but I made a deal with my family and started going grocery shopping with them to get healthier foods for me. With healthier food options in the house I forced myself to grab that instead of junk food.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    On one hand, I found both of these somewhat entertaining, even though I find Chalene Johnson kind of annoying. On the other hand, the workouts feel like I'm jumping into a choreographed dance routine without knowing the routine ahead of time, and by time I learn the first move, they are on to the next move.

    In other words, plan on looking like an sweating idiot during your first week until you learn the core movements.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the workouts and it definitely got my heart rate ramped up, but in the end, it just wasn't for me.
  • FrancesscaD
    FrancesscaD Posts: 3 Member
    Love them both. They are all I use. I have lost 40 pounds and have toned up. Still have 20 pounds to go.
  • performfully
    performfully Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2015
    TL;DR. Sorry lol. I skimmed.

    I have lost 40 lbs with only Turbo Jam and have 20 to go. I have a heart condition and Turbo Fire is too hard for me (for now). Love them. I've never stuck to anything like TJ! I am 5'6 and went from 210 to 170.
  • Hazeydoodle
    Hazeydoodle Posts: 2 Member
    No flipping way!! Haha!! Turbo people!

    I did Turbo Jam a few years ago and have all the DVDs, I'm now doing Turbo fire and Turbo Jam depending on my mood. Love Chalene :)
  • top10deb
    top10deb Posts: 5 Member
    So Thereading18, you posted this in Oct 2014. Have you done Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire since then? How is it going? I did Turbo Fire(plus jogging) years ago and I was in the best shape of my life. Then I let someone barrow it, I thought I would try something new. Nothing gave me the results like Turbo Fire. I just got my Turbo Fire dvd's back, ready to start again. I think one thing that helps is Turbo fire changes exercises so quickly, you don't have time to get bored or think about how sore or tired you are.
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    I do both TurboFire and TurboKick... I have kept my weight off since 2013... I love this workout!
  • Katsews
    Katsews Posts: 1 Member
    Is turbo jam a workout that some one with bad knees can do. I am bone on bone in right knee and really want a program I can do without killing myself. I can't do any running or jumping and no kneeling.
  • vickyaldersey
    vickyaldersey Posts: 39 Member
    Hi I was wondering if turbo jam would be any good for beginners.

  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    For a dance-style workout DVD that's a little easier (and low impact), you might want to look at Hip Hop Abs (also from Beachbody). It's already pretty low impact, and there's a modifier. I enjoy it for cardio on days I don't want to go outside. :-)
  • vickyaldersey
    vickyaldersey Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks azwen
  • aninya
    aninya Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost 60 pounds and I love Turbo Fire much more than Turbo Jam! I love to dance tho so that may help the matter! I'm just trying to figure out how to log Core 20
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited August 2018
    I have done turbo jam in the past (about 6 1/2 years ago) when I first started getting into exercise. It was fun and helped me lose 20 lbs. At the time I was just looking for something fun to do that would burn some calories. (of course, I logged my food in MFP and ate at the appropriate amount) but Turbo Jam did burn calories and allowed me to lose weight easier.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I used to really love them too !