Contest prep.. Peak week: Carb load or carb deplete

So I've been dieting for about 12 weeks now. Gruesome, hard, hellacious diet. Right now im at 275 protein, 44 g of carbs, and 60 g of fat a day, at roughly 1850 calories. I'm 16 & I'm 24 days out from my first show so I don't have the experience that most there will have. I need to know opinions on peak week. To carb load, carb cycle, carb deplete or what?


  • fitzman84
    fitzman84 Posts: 40 Member
    Used this for my peak week. Recommends carbing up at the beginning of the week and tapering down depending on how you fill out.

    Question: Why are your carbs so low now if your 3 weeks out?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's a lifestyle change, if you can't do it for the rest of your life, then you shouldn't do it now.

    On a serious note, the forums are a much better place to ask about contest prep.