Food not synching with UP app.....HELP

I just got my UP24, and I successfully got MFP and UP app to sync/link together. I have tried several times to add new food entries into MFP, but whenever I open UP app, nothing seems to change, no food entries appear. Not sure why? It's new entries, my accounts are "linked", I have hit "sync" in MFP, but still nothing. I have even waited 30min.....but that just seems too long! What gives?? HELP PLEASE!!!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Try to look at your meals on your UP app on your phone...not the green box but the fork and knife in a grey circle beside "today"...that sometimes helps mine sync the meals when it's acting up...but I am finding that it syncs yesterdays snacks instead of todays for some reason too...Customer support told me to mention it here on the support forum and that way both companies can check to see what's up.
  • Just sucks because MFP does offer larger database of foods/restaurants and currently has my most common foods/meals......but I do enjoy UP band! I just tried your suggestion but unfortunately it didn't work :(
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah since the update yesterday things are a bit wonky... :'(
  • jesse_dylan
    jesse_dylan Posts: 17 Member
    It's nothing you're doing wrong. Up doesn't seem to be working at all.

    Even when things are working properly, it is flakey and weird. I had a hard time adjusting and figuring out how to use them together. But, now there are times like today when things don't work at all.

    This was my 10th day with my Up24 and MFP. I think I am going to return the Up and just stick with MFP and the step counter that's already built into my phone. I was using MFP for food and the Up app for exercise. I think I'll be fine just using MFP.

    I feel a little sad, like I'm breaking up with a friend, but for $150, the Up24 just doesn't do that much really. In fact, I'm not sure it does anything that MFP doesn't already do with the aid of a decent step tracker built into the phone (my iPhone 6 seems to have a pretty darn decent step tracker).
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    I also started having issues with my 2nd Gen Up today. Both apps show they are linked but despite deleting them both, reinstalling them both, re-linking them and restarting my phone they are not sharing data. Extremely frustrating. :s
  • I've had UP and MFP for about a month now. In that time I've noticed that occassionaly they don't sync up for a day or two but then sort themselves out. UP isn't getting MFP data today, but then MFP data from my iPhone isn't appearing on the web MFP either so it's probably MFP today!
  • Yeah....I mean I REALLY really wanted to like the UP24. I had FitBit One, I hated that I had to always clip it on, wear it in sleeve at night, only to have it fall out all of the time, so the wearable device was a HUGE plus. BUT, as many of you have said, other than the step counter, it's really not helping like I had planned :neutral_face: I am considering just returning it? FitBit tracks steps, and quite honestly, I never had issues with it syncing to MFP like I have with UP.
  • I have had my UP24 for about 3 days now and I have synched the two together (UP and MFP) the first day i got no food when adding it into MFP on the UP and then with me messing around it updated like it should. I have updated to the new App version 3.3.3 i think and done some trouble shooting myself but i cant get the darn thing to synch my food up. I have uninstalled the apps, disconnected the connection between them, disconnected the Up band all together and have done a soft reset. Still nothing I am getting frustrated about this and wish it would work a little smoother. So if there is any fix for this please send it my way!!
  • Mine was working but stopped yesterday and now there is no food coming into my Up :-(