Getting Started AGAIN !

Hello, My name is Tammie .
I have recently had some success with about 80+ pounds of weight loss ( largely from WW, exercise and a great support system ) over an almost two year period , and honestly I was feeling the best I ever have in my life . I was really taking care of myself. Then I was in a car wreck and have been going through physical therapy for back, neck and headaches... This has really slowed me down , sometimes shuts me down . My mood has suffered as well , being in constant pain , really takes a toll on ones emotional well being. I have gained 22 pounds back and I'm absolutely disgusted with myself. I try to tell myself to take it easy on myself , but I just say NO EXCUSES ! I CAN do BETTER !
* I may not be able to do what I was doing a short time ago right now , but there IS so much I could be doing to strengthen myself for when I can. #RefusingToGiveUp


  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Tammie,

    MFP is pretty much WW but free...everything you get there you get here if you want it. So you will have success. The same principles apply as WW, track your food, track your exercise, learn what works for you.

    You don't have to be running marathons to lose weight. It is simply calories in vs calories out. So work out your BMR (google it), set your calorie target for each day which is at a deficit to your BMR, and do what exercise you can. Every little bit helps.

    Take one day at a time. :)
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Hey Tammie! Give the physical therapy some time to work -- sorry you are hurting! I've been there. It gets better. You can add me if you'd like.
  • aevonvett
    aevonvett Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Tammie,
    Don't beat yourself up too much. You recognized a problem and you've made the decision to change it rather than ignoring it. I'd put that in the win column. You can add me if you like. -Amy