Best time of day for carbs?


I was wondering if there was a specific time of day that's good to eat carbs? I've read that you should eat them in the morning so that they burn off all day, and I've read that you should eat them after a workout too. I'm trying to do below 160g per day, but I tend to want them more in the morning.



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Even if it does make a difference what time of day you ate them, the difference is so minuscule that it's a moot point. If it mattered, then intermittent fasting wouldn't be a thing.

    If you're trying to lose weight, you're burning everything off all day anyway if you're in a calorie deficit. That's what really matters for weight loss.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Only when you're awake. That's best from what I understand. Other than that timing doesn't matter.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Typically between 6am and 11pm works for me
  • Add713
    Add713 Posts: 53 Member
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Everyone is different, I crave mine at night. It works for me. Meal timing is irrelevant IMO.
  • AcademicusMaximus
    Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Even if it does make a difference what time of day you ate them, the difference is so minuscule that it's a moot point. If it mattered, then intermittent fasting wouldn't be a thing.

    If you're trying to lose weight, you're burning everything off all day anyway if you're in a calorie deficit. That's what really matters for weight loss.

    This is not entirely true. The reason to eat carbs at specific time is to control your insulin levels and when they are spiked. The reason to control insulin levels is maximize your body's insulin sensitivity and GH (growh hormone) levels. For example eating carbs late or anything (especially sugar) will spike insulin production. Insulin and growth hormone are antagonistic and don't coexist well. If you spike insulin before you sleep you will inhibit your GH levels and GH is ESSENTIAL for building muscle and burning fat. The more GH the better you can burn fat and build muscle which is why pro BB take it like its going out of style.

    That being said, especially if your not concerned with building muscle, yes it is somewhat irrevelant as long as your in a calorie deficit you will lose fat. If however you are looking for every advatange eat carbs in the morning and post workout and avoid them late at night.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Understand that carbs are just the latest and greatest of dietary demons...the industry always has to have one. In reality, they're just a macro nutrient and it really doesn't matter if you have them in the morning or afternoon or night, whatever...they're just a macro-nutrient. I eat carbs all frackin' day long and I'm just fine.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    There is no magic time to eat carbs
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    edited October 2014
    you will gain unless you eat carbs only between 6:47 and 7:12pm. :#

    seriously though, there are some articles out there that say morning only, others that say evening only. So who knows...
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    i personally prefer to eat the bulk of mine in the morning but that is just my preference
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Just before bed
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Even if it does make a difference what time of day you ate them, the difference is so minuscule that it's a moot point. If it mattered, then intermittent fasting wouldn't be a thing.

    If you're trying to lose weight, you're burning everything off all day anyway if you're in a calorie deficit. That's what really matters for weight loss.

    This is not entirely true. The reason to eat carbs at specific time is to control your insulin levels and when they are spiked. The reason to control insulin levels is maximize your body's insulin sensitivity and GH (growh hormone) levels. For example eating carbs late or anything (especially sugar) will spike insulin production. Insulin and growth hormone are antagonistic and don't coexist well. If you spike insulin before you sleep you will inhibit your GH levels and GH is ESSENTIAL for building muscle and burning fat. The more GH the better you can burn fat and build muscle which is why pro BB take it like its going out of style.

    That being said, especially if your not concerned with building muscle, yes it is somewhat irrevelant as long as your in a calorie deficit you will lose fat. If however you are looking for every advatange eat carbs in the morning and post workout and avoid them late at night.

    The fact is, growth hormone is one of MANY factors when it comes to muscle growth. For natural individuals, nutrient timing comes in dead last when building muscle is concerned.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Even if it does make a difference what time of day you ate them, the difference is so minuscule that it's a moot point. If it mattered, then intermittent fasting wouldn't be a thing.

    If you're trying to lose weight, you're burning everything off all day anyway if you're in a calorie deficit. That's what really matters for weight loss.

    This is not entirely true. The reason to eat carbs at specific time is to control your insulin levels and when they are spiked. The reason to control insulin levels is maximize your body's insulin sensitivity and GH (growh hormone) levels. For example eating carbs late or anything (especially sugar) will spike insulin production. Insulin and growth hormone are antagonistic and don't coexist well. If you spike insulin before you sleep you will inhibit your GH levels and GH is ESSENTIAL for building muscle and burning fat. The more GH the better you can burn fat and build muscle which is why pro BB take it like its going out of style.

    That being said, especially if your not concerned with building muscle, yes it is somewhat irrevelant as long as your in a calorie deficit you will lose fat. If however you are looking for every advatange eat carbs in the morning and post workout and avoid them late at night.

    Insulin makes you gain weight now? :|

    I highly doubt the OP is going the pro BB direction and asking if carb timing is a thing.
  • sweating_for_wedding
    Well...all I was asking is if I'm going to have heavy carbs (bread, rice, etc.) if there was a optimal time of day to do that. But clearly that didn't work out to well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Even if it does make a difference what time of day you ate them, the difference is so minuscule that it's a moot point. If it mattered, then intermittent fasting wouldn't be a thing.

    If you're trying to lose weight, you're burning everything off all day anyway if you're in a calorie deficit. That's what really matters for weight loss.

    This is not entirely true. The reason to eat carbs at specific time is to control your insulin levels and when they are spiked. The reason to control insulin levels is maximize your body's insulin sensitivity and GH (growh hormone) levels. For example eating carbs late or anything (especially sugar) will spike insulin production. Insulin and growth hormone are antagonistic and don't coexist well. If you spike insulin before you sleep you will inhibit your GH levels and GH is ESSENTIAL for building muscle and burning fat. The more GH the better you can burn fat and build muscle which is why pro BB take it like its going out of style.

    That being said, especially if your not concerned with building muscle, yes it is somewhat irrevelant as long as your in a calorie deficit you will lose fat. If however you are looking for every advatange eat carbs in the morning and post workout and avoid them late at night.
    I used to believe that too..................then I researched and found out it's not entirely true. Broscience is strong for many gym rats and the convoluted info they get from each other is believed to trump actual science.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Well...all I was asking is if I'm going to have heavy carbs (bread, rice, etc.) if there was a optimal time of day to do that. But clearly that didn't work out to well.
    Yeah, questions like this usually stir up a lot of people who start arguing with each other. :)

    The answer is basically "no". It doesn't matter what time of day you eat, or don't eat, any food. Calories in, calories out is the general rule. Your mileage may vary, of course.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Well...all I was asking is if I'm going to have heavy carbs (bread, rice, etc.) if there was a optimal time of day to do that. But clearly that didn't work out to well.

    Nope, it's personal preference. I find that carb-heavy meals don't work for me in the mornings, so I get most of my carbs in the evenings. Hasn't impacted my weight loss in the least.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Typically between 6am and 11pm works for me


    But, I'm more of a 4:30am to 11pm kind of guy..