Staying focused and sticking with this

I have been battling losing weight for the last 20 years. I quit smoking and put 100 pounds on over the past 20 years. I did lose some weight over the past 5 years only to regain it. I am really determined to do this. I need to for my physical and mental health. I am a former member of weight watchers and thought I would try this since I have already spent over $1000.00 the last two years only to lose 20 lbs and regain 10. I really need the support and encouragement to stick with this. I may need a knee replacement and want to be in better shape when the time comes. I'm sure there are many people feeling the same issues and I hope and pray we all get to our desired weight and learn how to KEEP IT OFF !!!


  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited October 2014
    I find counting calories and weighing portions is the best way to loose weight. Get a food scale, a decent one shouldn't cost more then 20.00 for an electronic one.

    Keep a diary and log everything that you put in your mouth including little cheats.

    Make sure you get your water in and watch your sodium and sugar intake. Those are the two big ones that cause water retention. Make sure you get your protein and veggies in. Limit the fruits to one to two servings a day, limit your juice intake, I can barely stomach half a cup of apple juice, I find it's really sweet and that's the unsweetened one, can't imagine what the sweetened apple juice will now taste like.... Cut out the junk food, the fast food, soda, and limit your carbs and the weight should drop off like no tomorrow ;)

    If you find water boring, a slice of lemon usually makes it yummy or some fruit slices. Or lime, what ever floats the boat :D

  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • Meema113
    Meema113 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you both. I really need cheering on and helpful hints to get through this
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You can do it. Determination and being mindful of what goes in the mouth and what exercise happens is what it takes. Day in and day out. One step at a time!
    Can't wait to see you hit 100 pounds gone!!!!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I used this site:
    to find out what my daily calorie limit should be. As long as you are under your daily limit you don't need to cut things out of your diet, just make sure you have a calorie deficit and you will see the scale numbers drop. Get a food scale (I have a digital one) and weigh everything, for liquids measure them using measuring cups. The biggest issue with logging calories is guessing on the portion sizes. Feel free to add me if you want.