Looking for like minded people with similar goals.. Hbu?

CiciRoscoe Posts: 38 Member
edited October 2014 in Getting Started
Hi All, I am not new to MFP I actually joined MFP in 2011 originally I believe and I totally fell in love. I was 156lbs and lost 17lbs just sticking to 1200 calories and walking 30 minutes daily and doing dinky 10 minute cardio vids on YOUTube. Haha, but then I let life get in the way and for the past 3 years have Yo-Yo'd with my weight loss. I finally had something click in me a month ago, and little by little I have been implementing new strategies for weight loss that will be LONG TERM. I don't want a Quick fix... I don't wanna drink lemonade concoctions and I refuse to starve. I also don't want to be Skinny... I want to be FIT! I wanna weigh 130lbs-135lbs but with more muscle then body fat.

My STATS: Starting Weight: 160lbs//Goal Weight: 130-135lbs//Current cals: 1200 for 2lb wkly weightloss.. I am only 5'2" and I am 23 years old.

I really wanna find motivated friends! So please add me or msg me!


  • TFG_em
    TFG_em Posts: 174 Member
    I can totally relate to you there. There is a big difference between wanting to be super model skinny, and wanting to be healthy and fit. And I completely agree about not starving yourself - I love eating too much for that nonsense. If we're going to have any weight loss success, it is going to be because of a lifestyle change; not a crash diet. I'm almost the same weight and age as you are, so feel free to message me and we can share tactics.
  • scoronado3
    That is great you are losing weight the healthy way. I would love to keep you motivated. I share helpful recipes and meal plans. Let's connect.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Hello fellow 'fun size' although to me @ 5'2" you're a giant to me. lol ;)