Starting again

Hey I'm new to the forum, but not new to weight loss. I'm a 23 year old graduate students studying Sports Psychology. My undergrad is in Psychology, and I got into Sports Psyc after doing research on athletes.

Growing up I never considered myself an athlete, and my parents never emphasized eating right or exercising. It wasn't until I got to high school that I developed an interest in it, but I was still stuck in between parents controlling the grocery shopping and transportation, and starting to get my independence but not knowing any other way (ie. healthy living).

Now I'm in university, and its getting harder and easier in some ways. It's easier to know how to live healthy, but its harder to actually do it. Although I did fencing on the varsity team in my undergrad, it took being varsity for a whole year and a half before I developed an athletes mentality, so I feel like a lot of time was wasted.

Since finishing my undergrad I've gained a bit more weight, and I'm at the most I've ever weighed, so now I'm trying to fix that. I'm trying to follow a Primal diet, I did that before for a couple months and it was great. I want to get back into it and make it a total lifestyle change.

Anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them!


  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    Record EVERYTHING you eat every day here in MFP. Develop a diary routine and stick to it no matter what. Use the diary to identify your undesirable eating habits and cut them out.
  • connieelaine24
    connieelaine24 Posts: 59 Member
    Congratulations on taking charge and making a lifestyle change. Best of luck, and never give up.
  • raysputin wrote: »
    Record EVERYTHING you eat every day here in MFP. Develop a diary routine and stick to it no matter what. Use the diary to identify your undesirable eating habits and cut them out.


    And welcome to MFP.

    Also, make sure that 'Primal' lifestyle is something that you can and willing to maintain for the long run. Otherwise it will just be a temporary thing and a true 'diet.'

    Good luck!

  • sushi549 wrote: »

    And welcome to MFP.

    Also, make sure that 'Primal' lifestyle is something that you can and willing to maintain for the long run. Otherwise it will just be a temporary thing and a true 'diet.'

    Good luck!

    Thanks everyone! And yes, I want to make it a lifestyle change. I have a sensitivity to gluten and so I should be avoiding grains and stuff anyway, so this diet makes a lot of sense for me. Its just hard in our modern world with all the temptations of processed foods. But I've gone about a week now eating about 80% primal, and I definitely am starting to feel the benefits!