Some Foods I Loved Don't Taste as Good Now?


I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this after beginning their journey.

I admit, I used to love Starbucks' salted caramel mocha frappuccino. I would have to get a venti every time I passed by a Starbucks. I gave no care about the nutrition, which explained why I gained weight in the first place.

Things have changed over the past two "salted caramel mocha" seasons. I lost 50 pounds, was rushed to the ER in diabetic ketoacidosis, was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic, and now have to watch exactly what I put into my mouth. Out went big, sugary, coffee drinks, and in came black coffee/americanos and the occasional sugar-free latte.

I was craving a salted caramel mocha frappuccino a few weeks ago, and, knowing that my campus is dotted with some sort of Starbucks or starbucks-brewed coffee place at every single block, I treated myself to one after my biology lecture. I went into the starbucks, ordered a small salted caramel mocha frappuccino, and went to test my blood sugar while they were making it.

Of course, my blood sugar was really high. The "good diabetic" in me would have given away the Starbucks drink and waited for my blood sugar to come down before I treated myself. There was no way that I was going to waste $5 on something I did not eat, so I sucked it up, took a boatload of insulin (the amount of sugar in the frappe alone is more than the total amount of carbs in most of my meals), picked up my drink, and began to drink it.

I haven't tasted something that disappointing in my life. Instead of bold-flavored coffee/espresso being the first flavor followed by rich mocha and a delicate salted caramel hint finishing off the sip (like what I imagined from previous experiences), it tasted like sugar water with a tiny hint of stale coffee. I couldn't imagine how I used to love this drink just a few years ago but detest it now.

So, I'm wondering if I am not the only one who experienced this. Though this is the most vivid experience of things I used to love tasting nasty after eating "healthier", I have had similar experiences with other foods.


  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    First I have to say, I tried a salted mocha latte for the first time a couple weeks ago and I loved it. So yeah, thanks for reminding me of that high-calorie bit of lusciousness, at least it's still morning so I can make adjustments to fit one in later today.

    But I totally relate to your story. I used to have a couple foods that could NOT stay in the house, even if others wanted them, otherwise I would eat some. Or many. Doritos and Oreos were the biggies. But the last time I had both (last week, in fact, when I was in a total funk and didn't care about counting calories or eating well) I wasn't all that impressed. I could go without them the rest of my life. Same with pizza and wine and Reeses peanut butter cups, things I would eat/drink until I was sick and couldn't get enough of them. Now, meh, I can take them or leave them.

    Not sure if our tastes change or we truly take to heart how bad they can be and so our subconscious tells our brains "No more". Whatever it is, I'll take it. I don't need trigger foods in my life anymore. The occasional treat is good enough for me.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I went through the same thing. I used to love chips ahoy cookies and I tried them about a month ago and I was disgusted by the results. it tasted like burnt dough and splenda and I couldnt eat another. Our tastes change when we change.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Several things but mostly sweet things. I'll crave something and then eat it. But after the first bite I am quite disappointed because it doesn't taste like what I remember and in the trash it goes.

    But Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi has been the biggest. After getting use to diet soda I couldn't drink regular because it was too sweet. Now I can't even drink diet because it's too sweet. I don't know what has happened to me but I like it!
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I haven't had an Oreo in decades, and I don't miss them. When I was in high school in the 70's I used to eat a whole row of them while watching "General Hospital" before I went to work, but one day I read an article stating that the cream filling is largely comprised of shortening. When I realized that the cookie part itself is like cardboard, so I was actually binging on cardboard and shortening, I went off them cold turkey.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I used to drink a 12 pack of regular coca cola every 2 days. Matter of fact I don't think I drank water at all. Anyways, if I try to drink regular coke its Terribly sweet and has a strange burnt/gross flavor to me.

    I drink zero occasionally and it tastes like regular used to.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hahaha...,yep, taste buds really do change! I have reduced sodium significantly...really no medical reason, just tried to get rid of some bloat...and stuck with it. Now everything tastes different to me. I never noticed before, how much sodium is hidden in just about any kind of food....
    I 'tripped' over one Oreo cookie yesterday, and I didn't really enjoy it. I used to like them a lot... It felt greasy-sugary on my tongue, and I could have had 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt
  • That happened to me with soda. I had quit drinking soda and didn't realize that I had gone a few months without it. I decided to order one with a meal and it was not only disgusting but also tore up my stomach. I became so much more aware of the affect soda has on my system. I thought maybe it was a fluke and ordered one again a few days later. . . same thing. I have not had a soda since.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Any kind of yogurt that isn't plain Greek Non-fat now tastes like "fake-ickiness now". Don't get me wrong, I still love cakes, cookies, cheesecake, pies, ice-cream, did I say cake??? laughs
  • Crafty_Fraggle
    Crafty_Fraggle Posts: 9 Member
    Sweet tea. I've never been a fan of drinking the syrup most people pass as sweet tea but as a southerner I have enjoyed having that. When I started this 9 weeks ago I told myself I would no longer drink my calories that way and didn't have a sip until one week ago when I got sweet tea with my daughters grilled nugget meal. It was way too sweat for me and I was a little disappointed but glad that I am now fine to drink un-sweet (with nothing added).