GAPS Diet?

Is anyone on GAPS Diet? I'm Primal/Paleo (in theory, don't look at my diary today, it has sushi all up in it) and have been learning how to bake without using normal flour due to a gluten intolerance. Well, sadly, I've learned through trial and error and lots of tummy aches that I also have quite the intolerance to Almonds. So I've been searching for coconut flour recipes and have found lots of yummy things and have been having a ball in the kitchen making my "Paleo" junk food. Anyways, it appears that my "nut-free, grain-free" recipes are also labeled GAPS, "Gut & Psychology Syndrome", so I'm doing a bit of a Google search on it and I'm curious because it appears I've been searching for recipes that have this description without even knowing what it is.


  • kittycatty22
    The GAPS diet really appeals to me, although I am not strictly on it.

    This recipe blog has the best GAPS treats and meals.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    edited October 2014
    There doesn't seem to be much scientific evidence to support it, similar to the grain free Paleo ideal. I think that a lot of people with tummy issues would be better off trying the FODMAPS approach. It's based on scientific research that certain fermentable carbs cause problems in some people because their gut nervous system is hypersensitive.

    Here's an opinion on GAPs

    Here's some info on FODMAPS

    Mercola sells her products. (Mercola is a quack)
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Why not just eat at a healthy calorie deficit and make good food choices most of the time? Why does every diet have to have a "name" or fancy acronym behind it?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    Why not just eat at a healthy calorie deficit and make good food choices most of the time? Why does every diet have to have a "name" or fancy acronym behind it?

    because everyone knows that paleolithic mans diet is way better than anything in this century …don't ya know bro??
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    hahah oh the paleo anthropologically inaccurate .... the foods you guys don't eat like potatoes and corn are actually more similar now to their counterparts in paleolithic times...but you guy eat banana's which back in paleo times were basically inedible... >:)
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    Why not just eat at a healthy calorie deficit and make good food choices most of the time? Why does every diet have to have a "name" or fancy acronym behind it?

    GAPS is actually a very specific diet plan that is supposed to be for persons with psychological or medical problems, and there are mixed results. I know someone who went on it who has gluten intolerance and they felt it really helped them, although they said it was very physically difficult to sustain and expensive.

    From what I've read it is a very extreme diet if you follow it completely, and people have developed serious problems or severe allergies to foods they never had before trying to follow it. I encourage anyone to read the reviews for McBride's introductory book, both good and bad, and read the book:

    I'd stay away from it personally. Seems dangerous, especially since it's not founded on credible evidence and yet it's presented as a medically relevant diet.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    If you are looking for recipes that fit your dietary restrictions, GAPS diet recipes are pretty good ones to look at for some ideas.

    The theory itself is unproven, however, rather like paleo. However, ALSO like paleo, I know of a number of folks with gluten and other food issues who found some real relief using many of the recipes utilized by these diets.

    So basically - I think that the GAPS diet is good to utilize as a recipe resource rather than a dietary plan, if I was in your position.