140lb to lose...menopausal.....depression

I need to make changes, I want to get my life my, take control.......
I know I need to drink less, eat less and move more......
My brain knows what I need to do, what I want to do........
Anyone else been in the same boat?


  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am in the exact same boat. Did this in 2012 and lost 50+ pounds and life happened and I'm almost back to where I started. So, here I go again. I'm just trying to counter the negative thoughts with positive ones and try to point out (to myself) the things that are good about me. It's a process. It is so cliche, but one day at a time. Concentrate on the short term. Break your goal up, maybe. I'm trying to lose 10% of my body weight at a time. 22 pounds looks way more doable than 100 pounds. Then I get to celebrate my success more often. You can do this if you want to.
  • JoshuaTreeLily
    JoshuaTreeLily Posts: 8 Member
    That's really good advice, blytheandbonnie. That's the best you can do. Pick yourself off your boot straps (as we all have had to do, unfortunately), and move forward. Break down the goal into smaller successes, and stay committed. What is your motivation, besides the weight itself?