did anyone else go of there diets this weekend?



  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I did not "go off a diet" BUT I did eat recklessly and to excess last week. I have resumed disciplined consumption today. Different mind set.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Yep. Today and tomorrow will not be filled with particularly healthy foods, although I try to keep portions in check.

    Back to regularly scheduled programming on Tuesday.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I'm not on a diet. I'm just eating an appropriate amount of reasonably healthy foods. Not being on a diet makes it way easier to not go off of it.

    Honestly, I hate this mentally: the idea that there are things that are "on" and things that are "off" and if I eat something "off," I've somehow done something bad. I eat plenty of indulgent things all the time, and sometimes I go over my calories, and it's no big deal, because the next day I won't. You don't magically gain ten pounds because you had a slice of cake or a few extra slices of pizza. You gain weight through a continual pattern of poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on the big pictures makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.

    If this weren't already written, I would be writing it.

  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm just eating an appropriate amount of reasonably healthy foods. Not being on a diet makes it way easier to not go off of it.

    Honestly, I hate this mentally: the idea that there are things that are "on" and things that are "off" and if I eat something "off," I've somehow done something bad. I eat plenty of indulgent things all the time, and sometimes I go over my calories, and it's no big deal, because the next day I won't. You don't magically gain ten pounds because you had a slice of cake or a few extra slices of pizza. You gain weight through a continual pattern of poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on the big pictures makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.

    Well said, I totally agree.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I eat cookies/cake/ice cream every day and I lose weight and gain muscle. Why would I go off this diet? Lol
  • cassienut
    cassienut Posts: 7 Member
    Only by 6 beers, the perkins sampler and eggs benedict. There will be some cheeseburgers tomorrow and probably more beer. Then back on track Tuesday. Not guilt here I can just do better for a week! I always have a few extra calories hanging around anyways because I round up! YUMMY!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm just eating an appropriate amount of reasonably healthy foods. Not being on a diet makes it way easier to not go off of it.

    Honestly, I hate this mentally: the idea that there are things that are "on" and things that are "off" and if I eat something "off," I've somehow done something bad. I eat plenty of indulgent things all the time, and sometimes I go over my calories, and it's no big deal, because the next day I won't. You don't magically gain ten pounds because you had a slice of cake or a few extra slices of pizza. You gain weight through a continual pattern of poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on the big pictures makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.

    ^^^^This x a million

    I knew I was going to a barbecue last night, so I decided to do a "pre-emptive strike" and burned enough calories to cover the amount of calories expected to burn. While I'm not sure of100% accuracy, I know I burned a lot of calories yesterday (over 1,000) so I could be "guilt free" at the party and eat whatever I wanted, within proper portions of course.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    OK we get it, people don't like the word "diet" lol jeesh.
  • Wakefromsleep
    Been strict. No cheating this weekend.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    :tongue: Sure. It is a long weekend (particularly with kids) and I'm surrounded by food constantly.

    I ate 1/2 a vegan pizza (350 calories) and 3 chocolate chip cookies (180 calories total). I don't think of this as going off my diet, I just think that these are calories which I didn't particularly enjoy because I know I could have eaten something healthier.

    But, the upside: I know that I ate those extra calories and I know that tomorrow I need to be extra vigilant.

    And, I'm okay with it!
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member

  • LAMAnRLA91909
    This weekend I went on a girls' only weekend to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. We did a lot of walking, but also quite a bit of unhealthy eating. I can't do anything about this weekend, but I can do better beginning tomorrow. And I will do better! :smile:
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    I definitely did. Probably the worst I have done in about 8 weeks but I also went for an intense 45 minute run yesterday before having a couple for a Sunday sesh ;)
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
    Way off this weekend and will probably be off tomorrow :D
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    tomorrow! I'm making a pot of peas and rice with shrimp and scallops. and gonna eat as much as I want.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Had a couple of slices of pizza.. had a couple of little desert items I shouldn't have. Not too bad. Will be better tomorrow and once I get back to the gym it will be better.
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm just eating an appropriate amount of reasonably healthy foods. Not being on a diet makes it way easier to not go off of it.

    Honestly, I hate this mentally: the idea that there are things that are "on" and things that are "off" and if I eat something "off," I've somehow done something bad. I eat plenty of indulgent things all the time, and sometimes I go over my calories, and it's no big deal, because the next day I won't. You don't magically gain ten pounds because you had a slice of cake or a few extra slices of pizza. You gain weight through a continual pattern of poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on the big pictures makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.

    Totally this.
    I can guarantee that most of those who consider this 'a diet' and who view themselves as having done something bad, or having failed, each time they go over this manmade calorie goal, or eat something less than 100% natural, will be the ones crawling back to mfp, saying they regained most or all of the weight.

    Both of these ^^^^^^^^ So very true!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I have been struggling to make calories actually!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I ate way tooo high sodium today..sausages for breakfast and a lot of pizza for dinner!!! I am under in cals though and some days were too low this week so I should be okay if I can flush the salt out LEMON WATER RIGHT NOW!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm just eating an appropriate amount of reasonably healthy foods. Not being on a diet makes it way easier to not go off of it.

    Honestly, I hate this mentally: the idea that there are things that are "on" and things that are "off" and if I eat something "off," I've somehow done something bad. I eat plenty of indulgent things all the time, and sometimes I go over my calories, and it's no big deal, because the next day I won't. You don't magically gain ten pounds because you had a slice of cake or a few extra slices of pizza. You gain weight through a continual pattern of poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on the big pictures makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.
    Same here! No diet here, this is my lifestyle, and there is no "cheating" or "going off" of a diet. I just ate three delicious slices of pizza for dinner, and it fits in my day. I also had burgers this week, and dessert a few times. I also had grilled chicken and veggies, brown rice, fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, eggs, etc....

    No falling off any wagons, no stopping or starting, no cheating or failing - been eating this way (basically in between my BMR and TDEE) for over a year and have had my best success with losing fat and dropping pounds during this time. And I logged my 635th consecutive day on MFP yesterday - I think I've developed a habit. :bigsmile: