Looking for a buddy with the same eating issues!

Hey there im looking for someone who is looking for support to keep on track! my biggest problem is not eating greasy fried or high carb sweets but more late night eating with half a bag almonds, or peanut butter and other healthy high fat foods! its awful but wrecks my diet each time! if you need someone to keep in check with and e-mail daily let me know!



  • katesgirl_50
    Hey there im looking for someone who is looking for support to keep on track! my biggest problem is not eating greasy fried or high carb sweets but more late night eating with half a bag almonds, or peanut butter and other healthy high fat foods! its awful but wrecks my diet each time! if you need someone to keep in check with and e-mail daily let me know!

  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    hey ik how you feel im 20 yrs old and i love greasy food and i cant stop eating late and nite. i need to get myself in check and if you want to have someone to talk to let me know. we can keep eachother motivated.
  • greysweatshirt
    I was having the same issue! I would ate real healthy all day, even through dinner. Then, around 6:30-7:00, I would make a run to Rite Aid and buy a bunch of candy bars, gummy candy and pop and have at it the rest of the night!!

    Something that has been helping me with my sweet tooth is eating some fruit at night. I bought a bunch of canned peaches and pears and some apple sauce. So, after dinner, when I'm starting to get that craving for something sweet, I'll have some of that..it really seems to help a lot!
  • MalibuBarbiDoll
    Oh, that's totally me too. I'm not much into sugars or trans fats, but I love salt. Not even so much real salt, just the taste of real, good food. I'm a vegetarian as well, so I crave protein (like my veggie burgers) a lot. They're not super high in calories, but they certainly add up. Especially at night after a full-calorie day. I tend to push my caloric intake to the limit, so one slip up can really hinder my progress. Good luck to you!!! :smile: