loosing weight with antidepressants

i am trying to loose weight but i have hard time and i think it bc of antidepressants and anxiety pills. I eat right and i go the gym six times a week but don't loose my weight
is it possible to lose it on antidepressants


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You aren't losing weight because you are not creating a calorie deficit. The type of food you eat and exercise you do will not cause weight loss, a calorie deficit will cause weight loss.
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    Yes it is possible. If you are not losing you are not in a deficit. The best thing to do is buy a food scale and weigh and log everything you eat. Weighing and properly logging will fix that. Good luck
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    Well, your profile picture is a cake. Anxiety medication usually cuts your appetite. Eat less.
  • I gained a lot of weight on lexapro.
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    Of course it is possible to lose weight while on antidepressants. It's also possible to gain weight or just maintain your weight while on antidepressants.
    You say you are eating 'right'. I assume you mean you are eating healthy foods most of the time. However, if you are eating too many or too few calories you will find it difficult to lose weight. If you're not sure what an appropriate amount of calories is for you, use this calculator. http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ This will give you a maximum and minimum number of calories per day. Eat less than the maximum and more than the minimum! Easy!
  • It is possible but you must be strict! I was on lexapro for a year I was 73kg when I started on it now I'm 85kg! It made me gain sooooooo much weight now i'm trying to lose it all :( I also felt like a zombie, Eating right and exercise :)