No Idea Where to Start

Hi, I have posted something like this before under nutrition, but I just recently got diagnosed with Hashi/hypothyroidism and I literally have no idea where to start in losing weight. I walk 3-6 miles every day, but don't eat nearly enough, so my first change is to start eating breakfast. The nutrition and eating habits are a monster of their own.

As far as exercising goes, though, I just don't know what to do. I like the walking, I guess as far as liking exercise goes. I hate running: I've tried it so many times, and a) it doesn't help me lose weight any faster than walking does aka not at all and b) I have huge boobs lol so it makes my back hurt.

Did I mention I hate gyms? Just the thought of one kills me a little bit on the inside. I see all of these exercise videos, the weight lifters, the yoga, the cardio...wth. Where do I even begin?

I am looking at all of these posts and everyone has an exercise routine and I just don't know how they do it with jobs, etc. It is a little bit discouraging and overwhelming to me. I have always struggled with fatigue and anxiety (which I know now are probably symptoms of my Hashi), and so even the small stuff is hard to cope with. I am working on changing my attitude and just embracing the fact that I have to lose at least 50 lbs (Dr's orders). Now that I have to do it, I will, but just starting out is so intimidating. I feel a bit defeated before I even start- which honestly isn't like me. I have reached my intellectual goals, I've reached goals in my interpersonal relationships and career successes- why is this one so particularly (mentally) trying for me? I have to get over it, but I could really use some advice.


  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I hate gyms as well.. Simply will not go.

    There are many, many more users here more qualified than I to speak in details but will share a few of my thoughts and what worked for me.

    - Ask your doctor about ideas on safe things for you to get started on.
    -- Losing weight is all about calories in and calories out. "Moving" with a purpose will help burn calories.
    - Consider looking at getting started at home with a sticky mat, stability ball and any of the many resources available in print, online, library and stores on doing pilates / yoga, etc...
    - Get some lightweight dumbbells to help with the above point
    - Don't underestimate the value of walking. Many folks hate them but for me, I do it on a treadmill which helps to control the intensity of my walks. Certainly doing all of this outside works as well.Where I live, the weather makes it very uninviting to be outside exercising a lot of the year. There are other similar machines - elliptical, bikes, etc...
    - I've been on an exhaustive new gear search for an addition to my home setup and I've read nothing but amazing things about a row machine for a total body workout (assuming one's technique is accurate). This is to burn calories and gain strength.
    - Go to to see a mess of exercises you can do at home with no gear requirement (though many at least suggest a mat).
    - Attitude and mind set is everything. Without it, nothing else can happen. It's a totally obtainable lifestyle change as long as the desire there.
    - Take some of what you read with a grain of salt. Everyone has their own opinions. Everyone finds what works best for them and does it.
    - Start small and work your way up. Not all or nothing. Not everything at once. Little changes over time eventually lead to big changes when combined.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Feel free to add me as a "friend" should you so desire.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. All you need is a reasonable calorie defict.

    To get that you log accurately and consistently and you lose weight.

    This coming from someone who does exercise almost everyday. I do it because I enjoy it but not to lose weight...

    Exercise is for health (heart/bone/joint etc health) and fitness.

    My suggestion, if you like to walk...walk. If you don't like to run...don't.

    If you want to exercise find something you love or find least objectionable and do that.

    My faves at first when I was 60lbs heavier...walking, Wii just dance and circut training (after losing 25lbs) and I gradually moved to biking, walking faster (4.5mph) and weight lifting.