Opinions please!



  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    How much water are you drinking?
    As a mother of three myself, I know that there are really not always enough hours in the day to take care of yourself properly. Just make sure that you get at least 64 oz. a day of water, more if you are trying to loose weight and take your vitamin supplements. Also, you may need to up your calories with healthy protein. That has worked for me when I have hit a plateau for a few weeks. I would go from eating between 1000-1200 calories a day to 1200-1500 for a few days and it has seemed to help.
    We all struggle with this or we would not be on this site. TRUTH does not have to be served with a shovel or sledge hammer. What works for me may not work for everyone. Understanding and support works for MANY!

    Thank you. I will try weighing everything for a couple of weeks to see the difference between that and what I'm logging then, if there's not much difference, I'll give the extra protein a go. Yay! A plan! That makes me feel better than banging my head against a wall. Thank you! :smiley:
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    How much water are you drinking?
    As a mother of three myself, I know that there are really not always enough hours in the day to take care of yourself properly. Just make sure that you get at least 64 oz. a day of water, more if you are trying to loose weight and take your vitamin supplements. Also, you may need to up your calories with healthy protein. That has worked for me when I have hit a plateau for a few weeks. I would go from eating between 1000-1200 calories a day to 1200-1500 for a few days and it has seemed to help.
    We all struggle with this or we would not be on this site. TRUTH does not have to be served with a shovel or sledge hammer. What works for me may not work for everyone. Understanding and support works for MANY!

    Sorry, didn't answer you. I drink water every now and again throughout the day but also drink tea, lemon and ginger tea and started on green tea today. I will measure that intake too. I take a multi vitamin supplement every day as well to be on the safe side. Thanks.
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    mswoodsy wrote: »
    I gotta agree with the OP here. The advice may have been valid but was given based mostly on assumption and lacked any form of class or sympathy and besides that...

    Ever heard its not what you say, its how you say it?
    Didn't know you had to ASK for responses to be "wrapped in a bow with rainbows". Guess it's human nature to be rude and condescending.

    Just because you gave "good" advice in an ugly package doesn't mean you helped. Now you could have discouraged the OP from ever requesting help again.

    Thanks for understanding what I was getting at, you have put it so much more elegantly than could! :smiley:
  • TitikiOoh
    TitikiOoh Posts: 40 Member
    mousette81 wrote: »

    I've hit a plateaux and would like some advice.
    My food diary is open. I plan my food quite early on in the day, so when you see a day where I am under my calorie count it's because I'm going to bed and have taken out things I haven't got round to eating. I don't count my sugar as it was putting me off my fruit consumption. I normally slightly over record what I've eaten, especially with cheese although I am trying to keep up my calcium and fibre without sky rocketing my carbs.

    I walk about 3.5 miles a day just going from here to there and don't have time to exercise as I have 3 kids, I'm studying for a degree and I'm a volunteer.

    I've been stuck at 136 for weeks now after losing 30lbs since May.

    Any advice appreciated.

    My question, which might have been answered already, is how did you get to the number of calories you eat?

  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    mswoodsy wrote: »
    I gotta agree with the OP here. The advice may have been valid but was given based mostly on assumption and lacked any form of class or sympathy and besides that...

    Ever heard its not what you say, its how you say it?
    Didn't know you had to ASK for responses to be "wrapped in a bow with rainbows". Guess it's human nature to be rude and condescending.

    Just because you gave "good" advice in an ugly package doesn't mean you helped. Now you could have discouraged the OP from ever requesting help again.

    People need to accept reality and stop complaining about how "not nice" everyone is. Spend less time complaining and more time listening to the people that know what they are talking about

  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    TitikiOoh wrote: »
    mousette81 wrote: »

    I've hit a plateaux and would like some advice.
    My food diary is open. I plan my food quite early on in the day, so when you see a day where I am under my calorie count it's because I'm going to bed and have taken out things I haven't got round to eating. I don't count my sugar as it was putting me off my fruit consumption. I normally slightly over record what I've eaten, especially with cheese although I am trying to keep up my calcium and fibre without sky rocketing my carbs.

    I walk about 3.5 miles a day just going from here to there and don't have time to exercise as I have 3 kids, I'm studying for a degree and I'm a volunteer.

    I've been stuck at 136 for weeks now after losing 30lbs since May.

    Any advice appreciated.

    My question, which might have been answered already, is how did you get to the number of calories you eat?

    I've been using the database although been adding in items that haven't been listed and altering items that don't seem quite right (I'm trying to get my calcium up to level so have added those levels in some items).
    What I eat for breakfast is pre cooked chicken in packs of 180g, I've have half and so log at 90g, if I have more one day it will be less the next etc.
    For the more common meals we have I've added the recipe to my file after weighing all the ingredients then divided it into portions (I normally give myself smaller portion just to make sure I'm not going over, although I will log at 1.5 portions etc if I have a slightly bigger portion).
    Fruit and veg I track per portion (e.g. 1 medium apple). For our preprepared things. eg pizza (Friday is my chill night) I log by percentage of i.e. 0.25. 0.5 etc. and go by database entry once checked against the pack. Does that make sense?

    I think tomorrow I'm going to start weighing to see if there is a difference- hope it works! Thanks!
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    mswoodsy wrote: »
    I gotta agree with the OP here. The advice may have been valid but was given based mostly on assumption and lacked any form of class or sympathy and besides that...

    Ever heard its not what you say, its how you say it?
    Didn't know you had to ASK for responses to be "wrapped in a bow with rainbows". Guess it's human nature to be rude and condescending.

    Just because you gave "good" advice in an ugly package doesn't mean you helped. Now you could have discouraged the OP from ever requesting help again.

    People need to accept reality and stop complaining about how "not nice" everyone is. Spend less time complaining and more time listening to the people that know what they are talking about

    That's lovely. Just remember that if you are going to be rude when replying to someone, don't be surprised if they don't listen because no one is going to listen to someone who insults them.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    I really don't now why I'm bothering. I have said already, its not the advice I have a criticism of, its the way it's put. If people want to reply to something, fine, I just don't see why you have to make an effort to be rude. Is it just a competition to see who can 'shout' the loudest or a show of 'who can speak to someone the worst'?. Well done. I've respectfully replied to all of those who have given me advice and I thank them for it again. If you reply to someone's question, surely you are doing it to help, so why try to hide that fact?

    Anyway- to those who gave very kindly gave me advice- thanks a million, I'll start first thing tomorrow. :smiley:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't know, I still don't see how it was rude. Yes people (including me) assumed that you are not logging properly and underestimating your food intake... don't take it personally - a LOT of people in the same boat as you do just that... undrestimate their food intake and are wondering why they are not losing weight... I mean a lot of your entries seem like estimations. And like someone said, it's fine when you have more to lose, but as you get closer to your goal, your deficit is smaller and you have to be more precise.

    I don't see how long you've been at that plateau, but it might be just a stall - how long has it been? After a few months I started having stalls of 3 weeks after my period every single month - it's not uncommon for women to stop losing 2-3 weeks before their period, then to lose weight again.

    Either way, 1200 is really not much food at all for most women, even without exercise... I'm guessing that with your kids you're on your feet a lot.