Hello and Advice Please

Hi, I'm Heather. I gained about 20 pounds in one month after going off some meds. I was very aware I might gain weight so I was more aware of what I ate. Scale kept going up anyway. Over a year later and it's still here and I hate it. I had a MedGem test done years ago and found out I have a slow metabolism. I'm also only 5ft tall.

I was using MyFitnessPal, but have lost motivation as I'm not seeing results or understanding why I can eat my allotted calories and not lose weight then eat whatever I want and be down 2 pounds the next day and then back up. I've had tests done for thyroid. Nothing. I've been given the exercise and diet talk from a doctor. I'm almost 37 and both my parents are on hormones. Do I need to just suck it up and do the diet and exercise thing? Do I need to admit it's not going to come off as quickly as it was gained? How do I stay motivated? I'm tired of stressing myself about what I eat and beating myself up about it. Yesterday, I told myself I could eat whatever I wanted. I did and it was a nice guilt-free day that I've not experienced in a long time.

Sorry for the rant. Extremely frustrated, disappointed and un-motivated and not believing that I can do what needs to be done. Oh, and I fluctuate from pescatarian to vegan.

Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated!

