Perhaps you all can help me here - overtraining?

Perhaps you all can help me here - overtraining?
- Ok i asked a few other people on this, and still waiting on an answer
- i am quite active, compete in cycling races, was on a training program for whole year and doing races. i was at my top peak in around august
- however around begin of september or so end of august, i found my fitness and athletic ability going backwards. as in no longer able to ride fast, i was finding, climbing very hard, could barely keep up to people, almost now to point its like i have never trained or ridden a bike before, done a few more races since then and barely was able to finish
- i did go with cleaner diet, but no results on that
- i did recover more and took time off bike , but still have sluggish feeling
- should i take a whole month off? would this be just overtraining etc?
- suggestions please and thanks


  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 272 Member
    If nothing else changed in your lifestyle, I'd have to go with overtraining. Time off is the quickest way back.
  • CdnRower
    CdnRower Posts: 28 Member
    I find this extremely interesting coming from somebody in another sport. We go through the same thing in rowing. Our racing season ended recently and out of necessity we take 2 weeks off before we get back to the grind of training for next year. To quantify the effects, at the end of the season... My squat and deadlift numbers fall 10-15% off peak. Mid-Summer i'm squatting 315 lbs no problem. A month ago 260 lbs felt like 400 lbs. Same thing with deadlifts. I probably couldn't even get 405 lbs off the floor for 1 rep right now. 1 month off is too much in my opinion. I would start with 1 week off, do some training to feel it out and maybe take another week off if needed.
  • worldtraveller321
    worldtraveller321 Posts: 150 Member
    ok thanks will do and update you all on this
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    This happens to all of us competitive types I think. A month ago I was hitting personal records left and right..blowing past them. Now, I'm 10-15% below them...nothing has changed...same diet, same sleeping, same routine. Doesn't seem to make sense, but I guess a tree can't grow towards the sky forever. At some point your body peaks and then falls back. Not very scientific, but seems to be normal. Just my two cents.