Canadian Eh - YAY IT'S FRIDAY

Sue YAY for looking hot and not having to go to the gym to do it. Nice when people notice AND tell you. Chili sounds yummy.

Well I woke up EXTREMELY stiff and sore today, Not going to be doing too much AGAIN. This SUCKS big rocks. I feel like I make 3 steps forward and then 10 back. I really must learn that when I am feeling better, not to push myself. There are days that I feel pretty good, so I do some laundry or go for a walk and then I pay for it for days after. Nuf complaining……

We have the dog trainer coming in tonight, trying to get our NUTSO dog to calm down a bit. Actually she is doing really well with the training, she is so freakin smart.

Spinach salad for lunch, I LOVE spinach. Not sure what I am going to make for dinner, I may just order something for the family and make something easy for me. Not feeling much like cooking these days.

Have a great day ladies


  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member

    Sorry you are feeling sore, but that is the way it goes. I am feeling super tired, but not sore yet, maybe tomorrow. I worked really hard yesterday and today I am going to be on my feet most of the day for work. I did manage to throw some food in the slow cooker before I left for work so I will have lentil stew waiting for me when I get home, yay!

    Better get back to work!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I was up with the birds this morning doing my morning P90X then took the kids to school. I will be so happy when school is out and the running slows down. I am making cupcakes for my daughters 12th birthday party tomorrow. I can't believe she is 12 already!

    Sorry you are sore. My leg is sore and I have no idea what I did to make it that sore.

    Better run! Hope you have a good day today
  • hexidecimal
    Happy Friday - and here's to a sunny weekend (please-please-please). WildeChikk - it's so hard to take it easy when you want to go - so I hope you feel better really soon!

    Well - I've already eaten most of my calories for the day - and it's not even lunch time yet. This is my biggest hurdle - I get too busy (and/or tired) to plan anything and then I eat whatever I can lay my hands on. Today was peanut butter and honey sandwich and then a bacon & egg sandwich. Terrible, I know, but not sure if I can do salad for the rest of the day. Tonight is one of my "no time for dinner" nights, so I may throw some salad in a bag on my way out the door.

    Is there a link for those cookies you've mentioned? I can't find them on the recipe forum. They sound like something I need to have handy.
  • hexidecimal
    I think I found the cookies - I did another search and found Breakfast on the go cookies. The recipe makes 4 - is that the right one?
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Allibaba I haven’t tried lentil stew. Maybe I will give it a go. Nice to have dinner ready and waiting for you.

    Mommyhof3 up with the birds you crazy momma. 7:30 was plenty early for me this morning, as a matter of fact I may go back to bed for a bit of a nappy this afternoon…provided my daughter allows me to. Hmmmm I feel a movie bribe coming on. Hope your leg feels better.

    Hexidecimal I too am hoping for a sun filled weekend. Oooooo almost ate all your calorie intake for breakfast….OUCH. Good luck with that. Here is the recipe, I couldn’t find it again either so I just wrote down mine. I altered the one they had on the site anyway. There is so many things you can do with it.

    5 small/med mashed bananas
    2 small/med apples (I used gala) mashed
    2.5 cups oats (uncooked)
    1 cup Fibre 1 crunchy original cereal
    1/3 cup 1% or skim milk
    1Tbsp Vanilla
    1.5Tbsp Honey
    I like to leave a couple bigger chunks of the apple and banana too.

    You can add 1/2 cup dried fruit, but I didn’t have any on hand (just remember to add the calories)
    Mix everything in a bowl. And then I scooped with an ice cream scooper onto a sprayed cookie sheet and baked for approximately 13-15 minutes. Mixture will seem very wet, but they do bake nicely. Makes 18 BIG cookies.

    They freeze very well.
    I eat them for breakfast and they keep me satisfied until lunch..Yummy

    Number of Servings: 18

    Nutrition Facts
    Servings Per Recipe: 18
    Serving Size: 1 serving

    Amount Per Serving
    Calories 96.1
    Total Fat 1.1 g
    Saturated Fat 0.3 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.3 g
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.3 g
    Cholesterol 0.7 mg
    Sodium 130.2 mg
    Potassium 181.4 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 19.7 g
    Dietary Fiber 3.6 g
    Sugars 5.7 g
    Protein 2.7 g
    Vitamin A 12.9 %
    Vitamin B-12 1.0 %
    Vitamin B-6 23.1 %
    Vitamin C 5.0 %
    Vitamin D 1.8 %
    Vitamin E 1.0 %
    Calcium 9.4 %
    Copper 3.7 %
    Folate 11.1 %
    Iron 17.7 %
    Magnesium 6.7 %
    Manganese 22.9 %
    Niacin 11.6 %
    Pantothenic Acid 2.7 %
    Phosphorus 7.1 %
    Riboflavin 9.8 %
    Selenium 9.2 %
    Thiamin 15.0 %
    Zinc 3.0 %

  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Afternoon here already...Weather still crappy and forcast says more rain for tomorrow. At least the temperatures are getting better...18-20.

    I didn't get my walk in last night, but did the DDR and boxing on the wii for about 45-50 minutes total. It was fun, and I sweated well. Not sure I feel like it is real exercise, but it is a lot more than I was doing before. Once I shed a few of these pounds and get into a routine, I may look at adding something more torturous :wink:

    Hexi...I used to love Reboot. Hang in there...

    Wilde...sorry you feel so sore and achy...make sure you look after yourself. Dog trainer huh? And she comes to your house? Cool. I could use one for my golden...he is a great dog but has no manners. I have thought of sending letter to the Dog Whisperer. lol

    Food...I am trying to use portion control to manage my calories. My hubby looks after supper most days, and I have never gotten into the habit of making something different (healthier) for me. So that means that hubby and the kids cravings tend to dictate what I eat. Maybe someday that will the meantime I will remain jealous of you all. :smile:

    Weekend...this will be my first weekend on MFP. I will be at home, so will have to be more careful of food choices...on shaky ground there. Good thing is I won't have any excuse not to exercise. Does everybody remain consistent with diet and exercise over weekends, or do you allow your self cheat day(s)?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I stick with it. I allow myself one day where I may go over in my calories but I ALWAYS watch what I am eating. Usually on those days I go over a little but never by much. This means too much to me to let it all go with a cheat day/meal :happy:
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Thanks WilddeChikk but I don't feel hot today - my butt and inner thighs are feeling the effects of my visit to the gym :laugh:

    Good day today - 1 hour walk for work, 1/2 hour walk at lunch. No running today.

    Warm day today but not too bad

    chicken burgers and salad for dinner today but being Friday night I am already into the red wine which is always dangerous :bigsmile:

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.

  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Everyone


    today was another nutty one at work so this is my first chance to write. eating today was not so great. we decided to go for lunch so i figured i could definetely find something healthier than the lasagna i brought. well, there was schnitzels and burgers... and i got a provolone cheese sausage. it was really good but i should have thought of how bad it would be for me... so not so good, but, on a good note, i resisted a tim hortons muffin (!) i REALLY wanted to get my level 2 30 day shred out of the way for today, but we have an appointment in half an hour to go to the bank to get pre-approved for a mortgage (exciting!) and i felt like i was rushing through. not to mention that i'm using 10 lb weights which are normally fine, but for some of the moves they are too heavy. we are going to canadian tire after the bank so i'll pick up some lighter weights then so i can concentrate on the moves not concentrate on resting.

    wilde, i hope you feel better soon... ive had various injuries in my life and there is nothing worse than having the desire and the energy to go and knowing you can't. also, thanks for posting those cookies. they sound yummy!

    i hope everyone has a great weekend!