How much Exercise is too much

SuperTaco29 Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
HI all,

First let me say this site has helped me gain weight, but good weight. I went from 260, to 192 at 19% body fat, to 205 at 15.8% body fat. Watching the diet is crucial.

This being said, I have had a few people tell me I am exercising to much, and I will say, the body fat loss has halted, but I believe that has more to do with being Type II diabetic than anything else. Here's my routine:

Monday: 1.5 mile jog or run with the dog in the AM
30-40 minute circuit (weights and plyos)
Sometimes 1 hour of lacrosse
Tuesday: 1.5 mile walk to jog with the dog in the AM
1 hour yoga
90 minutes pickup lacrosse
Wednesday: 1.5 mile walk or jog with the dog
30-40 minute circuit
Thursday: 1.5 mile walk or jog with the dog
Sometimes 60 minute bike ride
Friday: 1.5 mile walk or jog with the dog
30-40 circuit
Saturday: 2 hours pickup lacrosse
Sunday: 2 hours pickup lacrosse

I try to use Thursday as a rest day, but sometime just get too antsy, or my blood sugar is to high form something. I peaceful bike ride knocks it down.

Thoughts and opinions are welcome. Just doing a self-assessment here.

Thanks in advance


  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    edited October 2014
    Looks fine to me. As long as you're eating enough to support that level of activity, then keep going. Throw in some heavy lifting somewhere just so you can feel like you fit in on MFP.

    I often wonder why people worry about working out too much. I bet the guys doing 2 a days wonder the same thing. I bet coach won't give them a day off.

    Work hard, eat hard. Life is good.

  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Too much is related to the individual. Some can do more, some can't. If your body is responding and not lagging in progression, you are doing fine.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    there are different ways of gauging training effort which in turn can give you an idea if you are over-training. I agree with the comments above with the proviso you have built up gradually to this level rather than gone from nothing to this in a month. A rest day is good, i'm older than you and I need it. as long as you don't go too hard on your bike and have a rest when you need it it sounds good.btw my schedule is less than yours because i'm recovering from an accident but when I get up to speed again ill be doing 2-3 hrs per day 6 days a week and loving it :smile:
  • SuperTaco29
    SuperTaco29 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank guys. The circuits are heavy weights and plyos. I've just always worked out that way as a lacrosse player., and it works well for me.
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    overtraining = undereating
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If you aren't exhibiting symptoms of overtraining? Then you're fine.
  • SuperTaco29
    SuperTaco29 Posts: 5 Member
    I was, but then I upped my calories. I made the mistake of beign down about 1500-1600 calories a day for too long. I'm back up 2100 per day right now.