How to log this?

Hi everyone,

I play airsoft (similar to paintball), so on days that I play I am running around, crouching and moving for most of the day. I cannot wear my HRM as it would get distroyed and am just looking for the best way to estmate the calories burned, as I am always ravonous at the end of the day.

If anyone can help it will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited October 2014
    A HRM would be inaccurate since its not a steady state of cardio as required to get a reading the device is intended for.

    My suggestion is that you use a app such as mapmyrun or runtastic(which are free) in which it will tell you the distance you moved throughout the activity.

    Then use one of these formulas or a combination in between both to calculate your net calories burned.

    Calories burned walking=body weight in lbs X distance X .3

    Calories burned running=body weight in lbs X distance X .63

    If you feel you ran half the time then use .45
  • Sutnak
    Sutnak Posts: 227 Member
    edited October 2014
    Try starting with an estimate - 100 calories an hour. If you find you gain weight eating that back, try 50 calories an hour.

    If you lose weight too fast, up it to 150 calories an hour.

    If this is something you do 3+ times a week, consider changing your MFP activity level to 'lightly active' and then do not track it.