New to MFP...pretty oberweight & looking for motivation!

I am brand new here (4 days in) & I have to say I love MFP!! I am a 32 year old stay at home mom to 4 daughters. I am pretty overweight...5'7" & 249 lbs. ( I was 251 when I started). But MFP has helped keep me motivated. I have been tracking everything I eat and stating right around 1200 calories/day & drinking nothing but water. I have been exercising 30 minutes a day (alternating between walking 3 miles & doing Jillian Michael's 30 DS). I have lost 2 lbs in 4 days & I am extremely happy with that!! My goal is the lose 20 lbs by Thanksgiving. It is going to be tough I'm sure but I think I can do it!! Anyone have any other suggestions at what I can do?
I am doing this alone so I was just hoping to find some motivation & support for this tough journey.


  • ebbiewilliams9
    ebbiewilliams9 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome! I've been on my journey for 4 weeks now and getting good results doing similar to you. There is plenty of awesome advice on these forums.

    I'd suggest you steel yourself for ups and downs on the scale and not let yourself attach too much to the numbers. If you're doing right it will soon show. Take some measurements, sometimes you drop inches without the scale budging. Log EVERYTHING and weigh your food and cut yourself slack. Everyone eats something "bad" sometimes or has a drink or skips their workout now and then.

    I'm here if you want to be friends :)

    Good Luck! Kick some butt.