
I am 78 years of age and so far lost 21lbs since May on Fitness plan. I seem to have reached a stalemate, not putting any on but staying the same. Think could be my fault as because I lost so much and have gone down 2 dress sizes got a bit complacent and although do not cheat, no point, I do put in everything but I wondered if anyone had reached stalemate how they started losing again. thanks


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    well done on your success so far :smile:

    How long have you been stuck at the same weight? If it's only a couple of weeks, give it a bit longer as sometimes weight loss happens in fits and starts even if you're doing everything right.

    the most common reason for weight loss stalling is inaccurate logging - that's probably the first thing you should check. It's very easy to overestimate portion sizes otherwise, and end up eating more calories than you think you are. Are you weighing all your foods? A digital kitchen scale is more accurate than volume measurements - I'd recommend a digital kitchen scale if you don't already have one.

    If you're sure you're being accurate with your logging, then you either need to keep your calories the same and be a bit more active, or eat slightly fewer calories.. I'd recommend being more active above reducing calories, unless you're unable to exercise at all.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    1. Try recalculating your calorie requirements on MFP based on current weight. It may result in you needing to lower the calories.
    2. Sounds like you are at maintenance if its gone on longer than a month, otherwise be patient. Weight loss inst linear etc.
    3. Are you weighing your food or just estimating?
    4. Whats the complacency you talk about? That sounds like soemthing that could be a reason you arent at deficit. Alarm bells.
    5. Are you doing any exercise?