From Low Carb to Low Calorie

SweetNini Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2014 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone made the switch? I successfully lost about 24 on Keto (high fat, low carb)...I have finally stopped gaining back the water weight since I've been back to low calorie for 10 days...just a total of 8 pounds and I'm fine with that. Low carb was just jump start for me and I actually feel much better NOW being back low calorie than then (except the extra bloat). I enjoy fruits and veggies with my kids again...I don't eat meat everyday. I have my freedom back. Thats how I SEE it :) I just wanted to hear anyone elses story who has done the same.

Also I went from eating about 1700 cals a day on low carb and have lowered it to 1260 right now, just to be on the safe side.


  • zannajune
    zannajune Posts: 15 Member
    I was Paleo for a couple of years, didn't track my calories, just tried to eat healthy. I lost about 15 lbs, but started to regain it about 6 months ago and ended up at my starting weight this summer. I wasn't using portion control and I was eating bags of trail mix in a sitting convincing myself that it was ok because it's Paleo. In reality I was probably eating 1000 calories on a "snack".

    About a month ago I knew I had to change something. I came on here and started to see that people were having success just tracking their calories closely while still enjoying all kinds of food. I've been counting calories closely for just under a month and have already started to lose the weight and I feel so much happier. I love being able to eat the things I like without a big load of guilt. I'm now sticking to approximately 1400 calories a day and no longer binging on trail mix.

    Feel free to add me to your friends!
  • SweetNini
    SweetNini Posts: 10 Member
    That's awesome and exactly how I feel! I don't feel limited or guilty anymore. Funny how it actually took me going low carb to realize counting calorie is better. I also don't carb to eat as "reckless" as I did before low carb. It did teach me something but its just not sustainable. I'm going to send you a request!
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I've been eating very low carbs. I have recently begun adding carbs back to my diet. I had oatmeal with raspberries for breakfast this morning and nearly did a dance. I've had egg beater omelets for the past two months. I'm trying to ease into carbs. I still have had no bread and no potatoes, but I am adding fruit back in.
  • SweetNini
    SweetNini Posts: 10 Member
    I actually prepared my body by jumping into it. I ate whatever I wantedc that was within the amount of calories I was already eating. I didn't eat all day though. I just wanted to get the water weight gain out the way (I don't recommend this). Once I seen today that I didn't gain from yesterday, I jumped back on track with calorie counting. I also don't plan to eat much bread or white starchy foods. Just love the freedom to eat whatever while making the BEST choices. I workout almost everday so I'm hoping within a week the bloat I've gained will drop.