Binge Eater looking to add friends for support and motivation.........

Today I am starting Herbalife, but only using it for the breakfast option as I get up at 6am with my daughter to get her on the school bus for 7.30am and get to work for 8.15am. This will be good for me, as breakfast I tend to eat too much, so a nice sweet tasting vanilla shake will be great. Lunch will be a healthy salad or soup, and dinner no more than 700 calories. Ill have two snacks a day, one mid morning and one mid afternoon which will be fruit or houmous and carrots.
I am trying my hardest to control my binge eating, but anything emotional that happens in my life, sends me looking for comfort food, then I feel disgusting afterwards and make myself sick. I havent dont this for a few months, but the bingeing is still there, and very much the thoughts of bingeing. Ive today started a diary with lots of motivational things in there, mostly aimed at my lovely 9 year old daughter to help keep me grounded.
Any help would be great.


  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    I could have written your post.
    I too am a binge eater, although I don't make myself sick. I eat emotionally, anything that affects my emotions can make me eat until I feel ill. I have controlled it better this past year though.
    I too have a 9 year old daughter, I really try and shield her from my weight issues as I know these days it is so easy for young children to get mixed up in issues with weight.
    I have been trying to lower my refined sugars, and essentially white pasta, potatoes, chocolate, junk food etc - however I still eat all of these things but in complete moderation. Not everyone will agree with cutting things out, however for me these things are triggers for my eating - as they are the type of things I would eat when I was bingeing.

    Good luck :)