Need friends who will interact :)

Hi everyone! I'm looking for friends who are willing to interact with me other than a thumbs up on my posts. Not everyday but every once in awhile I would love to have a response to a comment I may give or SOMETHING!! I have some good friends but it does feel one sided sometimes since I'm always the one to comment on their posts but I NEVER get a response from anyone. EVER... well, once...there was this ONE time...

Anyways, like I said just someone who is willing to interact.



  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    Congrats to you so far. Friends are great to have and support is even more encouraging especially when it is with a thoughtful note more than "liking" everything. I get what you are saying...Ihave been on for 859 days and always try to interact whenever possible. Feel free to add me.